More powder lately, but the prices! šŸ˜®

Don't look at the price of Blackhorn 209 muzzle loader powder unless you are setting down... are you setting down? It is like $90 bucks for 8oz (YES Eight ounces). You are correct $180 per pound. Plus the hazmat and shipping. CRAZY !!
I stocked up on alot of powder years ago. I mean 70 lbs+ as well as primers and still sitting pretty flush. Old guy Mac who had Macs reloading shop and did all the gun shows said son buy up and stock up. All my folks and sources tell me its going to get hard to get supplies. Now he passed from cancer a few years ago @78 but as always mac was right. Glad I listened. I do still buy stuff but not often.
Like I said, I haven't seen so much powder. 1 lb tubs of H4350, Varget, H1000, CFEBLK, V570, etc...these are powders that I would loved to find a couple years ago, but the prices are like $20/lb higher... šŸ¤” There are also a lot of 4lb tubs now, as well as 8 lbs. Buying 8 lbs of Hodgdon gets it for $50/lb. šŸ¤” Not looking to spend $400 though.

I like Varget in 308, so don't want to use it, I have about 6 lbs. I also have about 5 or 6 lbs of IMR 8208 XBR, another overpriced powder. I started using it as it meters better on a Dillon than the Varget. I still have ~200 loads with Varget and 175gr SMKs, I can use that for home defense I guess...I can't hunt with it. I can target shoot, but what's the point if I can't hunt with it? I like to practice with the same ammo I'll be hunting with. I know I'm not the only one that feels that way.
Why can't you hunt with the 175SMKs? SMKs work just fine on deer.
Just that everything is going up at astounding speed...primers selling for $150/1000, powder $65/lb, brass $1.50-$2.00/ea, etc...

I saw Desantis is declaring a tax free period during the summer for the state of Florida to pay the tax on all firearms related items. That would be nice to see spread...but not in my state.
The no tax thing is kind of nice. I'm in WV and we have no sales tax on firearms, ammo and reloading supplies. I buy some stuff out of state if I run across a deal or something I really need but I'm always weighing it out in my mind
Don't look at the price of Blackhorn 209 muzzle loader powder unless you are setting down... are you setting down? It is like $90 bucks for 8oz (YES Eight ounces). You are correct $180 per pound. Plus the hazmat and shipping. CRAZY !!
Yep, just bought a black powder rifle from a member here. I stocked up on that and a coupe other powders but it was the most expensive powder I have ever used.
Anytime I am out of town traveling, I try to stop at small shops along my route. Every once in a while I find som powder that the locals do not seem to want and I buy it. You can sometimes do the same with firearms. A 4" 500 S&W may not sell well in one state but perhaps in Alaska it does. Even though I am a home based FFL, I have bought personal firearms off Gunbroker since I know wholesale prices and know when I am getting a good deal. The key is to stock up when you have the extra $$$ and can find it.
I repeat ā€¦. "Be patient" ā€¦. Unless you re nearly or totally out of something then if folks don't buy and inventory growing, prices WILL soften. No, it won't go to pre-Covid prices but a 25+% drop is entirely plausible. We ve been getting gouged badly; not just on reloading supplies but EVERYTHING sold ! šŸ˜” šŸ˜”