Out again today,not bad,I'm really starting to like this 17WSM.All succumbed to Winchester Varmint X 15 grain polymer tip rapid expansion @3300 fps.

Yeah, the crazy Gov and legislature sure are doing their best to ruin a good state!
My friend and I are going looking for some gh soon. I used to have some good fields, but housing development and yotes are running them to the city! Lol.cant shoot em there.
Yeah, the crazy Gov and legislature sure are doing their best to ruin a good state!
My friend and I are going looking for some gh soon. I used to have some good fields, but housing development and yotes are running them to the city! Lol.cant shoot em there.
This is @ 75 yards,no wind ,high humidity,benched in a lead sled,good enough to snuff out any varmint easily.,this was the 15 grain WSM.
I did not know they made a 15 grain pill. Your rifle sure does like them though!
The 20 shoots as well,the 25,as well as the 20,baffled by why the 15 wsm shoots the best,in reality the 25 should take first place according to the twist rate spec. Either way it's a decent enough rifle worth holding on to. Only if CZ came out with a 17 wsm would I consider switching.Even @ 100yds benched i'm holding an inch in 90% scenarios.Given the inconsistencies in rimfire ammo i'm satisfied.
Ohlongarm, Bargara IS coming out with a B14R in 17 WSM later this year. I asked CZ if they would and got a no answer. I am going to see about this 15s ! Sounds vewy intawestin!
Ohlongarm, Bargara IS coming out with a B14R in 17 WSM later this year. I asked CZ if they would and got a no answer. I am going to see about this 15s ! Sounds vewy intawestin!
Their rifle are great,however it would have to be real great before I switch out,for my 200 yard shots,I've hit everything from gh's,coyotes,coons,ferals,and crows,the worst the Bmag is shooting now is 1 inch at 100,1 and an eighth,or quarter if wind stirs up .I can live with that all day.200 yards is my absolute farthest dead center on a big fat GH,back flipped him,DRT.Will report back end of July heading to Adams county Ohio,long shots,are common,I will test the limits there.However the 204 will be waiting in the wings if I need to stretch my legs a quarter mile.
And the b14r is going to be pricey. Wish CZ would change their minds. Not so much for you and me, but for a lot of others who don't have a 17WSM yet.
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