First Prairie Dog Hunt in June. Things to know?

I would make sure one of the rimfires is a 17 hmr with 500 rounds minimum. We got in a town last year that hasn't been shot in several years, and they were as dumb as rocks, so we killed over 200 in 2 hours with just the 17's. Even in the 12-15 mph gusts, we were making 2nd round hits on em out to 300 with those little 17's. It was an absolute blast! As for your other items, I too would leave the 308 at home and bring more 223 ammo. As stated above bring bipods, mats, and a bog pod or other tripod. You'll want to stand up or lay down in order to break up the monotony of sitting at a bench. We usually keep one guy standing at the tripod with a 17 for the close ones that may be at odd angles that the sitting or prone guys can't get to or see. One side note on the 17 hmr. Ammo is $4 to $6 a box cheaper in Wyoming than it is in Arkansas so you might wait and just buy that there. Have a big time!!