Comparison of 6.5PRC Action Options

Seekins havak with their bottom metal and carbon magazine that loads a 3.1" loaded round. Has a rem 700 footprint I believe.
Everything including what I put is a matter of personal opinion when it comes to any part of gun builds. You can ask barrels and get bartlein Krieger, Shilen etc...Are stiler, defiance, bighorns etc nicer than 700's? Absolutely! They are machined to be hence the cost difference. Every part of operation is smooth as glass! They are 100% true from the factory. With that being said, they all for the most part are cloned off a Remington 700. I have rifles built on all actions mentioned above. I prefer the defiance over them all but, my most 2 accurate rifles I own or have ever owned, are built on blue printed Remington 700's. A 284 Winchester and a 6mm Br Norma. Also with that being said both cartridges are inherently accurate rounds. If it were me, building a sole purpose hunting rifle, I would not spend the extra money and would go with a 700 and have it trued.
Everything including what I put is a matter of personal opinion when it comes to any part of gun builds. You can ask barrels and get bartlein Krieger, Shilen etc...Are stiler, defiance, bighorns etc nicer than 700's? Absolutely! They are machined to be hence the cost difference. Every part of operation is smooth as glass! They are 100% true from the factory. With that being said, they all for the most part are cloned off a Remington 700. I have rifles built on all actions mentioned above. I prefer the defiance over them all but, my most 2 accurate rifles I own or have ever owned, are built on blue printed Remington 700's. A 284 Winchester and a 6mm Br Norma. Also with that being said both cartridges are inherently accurate rounds. If it were me, building a sole purpose hunting rifle, I would not spend the extra money and would go with a 700 and have it trued.
For the price of a trued rem 700, you can get an origin kelbly or tenacity for maybe 200$. Then there is resale value, I'm sorry but people arent willing to pay close to what a builds worth for something that starts on a rem 700.
I'm a little surprised to hear so many folks on a long range hunting forum talk about cutting costs on a dedicated hunting rifle. My dedicated hunting rifle is the most expensive gun in my safe. Titanium & carbon add up pretty quick!

I do agree that blueprinted or even factory 700's can be accurate rifles (I have several of both). But when you look at what you can get in a Gunwerks GRB, Bighorn Origin, APR, etc. it just doesn't make financial sense to build off of a ME. Even with a donor action, add up the costs to blueprint, pin recoil lug, swap extractors, flute bolt, add bolt knob, coating of some sort, etc.
[QUOTE="Montana73, post: 1769200, member:Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Yes it's like the difference between a Chevy and BMW. Yes custom actions are worth it but not necessary for a good accurate hunting rifle. Custom are typically smoother with less issues. If you are going to cycle fast a lot like a PRS competition customs really start to shine.

I have no problem getting my custom builds off of rem 700 actions to shoot. The resale is less because they cost less, pretty simple
The military thinks sniper rifles on a long action M700 or 40X will kill targets at 1,000 yds. all day long. That was with 7.62/.308 and now 300 Win Mag. How about just getting a Cooper or Kimber?
If i was doing a build I would buy the best i can afford if your using for hunting I would go titanium action carbon fiber components to keep weight down also look for lighter scope as for resale my experience is a custom action will hold its value better a trued rem will be very accurate if done right but there's nothing better than the feel of a custom action will also be very accurate I have never seen anyone regret building on a custom action
If you build it on a 700, you will need to build it on a LA to get the performance out of the cartridge. Even though it is considered a short action cartridge, like most, they are too long with the high b c bullets to fit without stuffing the bullet in the case and using up case capacity.

This is great advice. I've spoke with multiple smiths and all want a long action to be used when building a PRC. According to a few of them the factory Hornady ammo will not feed from a short action in many cases due to coal and the use of higher BC bullets.

I'm looking at getting a Montana Rifle Company Tactical hunter. At $1650 you can't beat it. Basically a full custom build. Hand lapped barrel, muzzle threaded, fully bedded barreled action, adjustable composite stock...... just a great value and great shooter.
I built my 6.5 PRC on an Origin action, APA bottom metal and Shilen heavy sporter barrel. Shoots lights out and runs like a clock. Really like the rifle.
All of my custom rifles are for hunting. Just different size critters.
Im not 100% sure wether its more practice or equipment but ive become a whole lot better shot with better equipment.
I've always built my own until this last rifle. I went with the big horn TL3 and have 3 switch heads for it. I can swap heads and barrels and be shooting a 204, swap to a 6.5 creed, swap again to a saum/wsm/prc.

I run the sa in the 6.5 PRC. It is true the bullet is seated deeper in the case then desired to fit a mag at 2.950. If you don't run a mag you can do a wyatts. Although it is not ideal my PRC shoots just fine in a SA with a saami chamber. Right now to fit a mag with 135A tips, it is .080 off the lands and seems to be consistently shooting .5 moa.
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