Comparison of 6.5PRC Action Options

I am going to have a 6.5PRC custom built for western hunting....not PRS or competition work. The gunsmith will do any action I want. I can get a Rem 700 tuned and blueprinted action for approx $500-$600. A Stiller Predator will run about $1K and a Defence Deviant for about $1300.

If I'm not going to resale right away, is there any major reason to spend 2x or 2.x more $'s for these actions? Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.
I understand the quality of M700 actions is superior to what has been produced in the past.
I am going to have a 6.5PRC custom built for western hunting....not PRS or competition work. The gunsmith will do any action I want. I can get a Rem 700 tuned and blueprinted action for approx $500-$600. A Stiller Predator will run about $1K and a Defence Deviant for about $1300.

If I'm not going to resale right away, is there any major reason to spend 2x or 2.x more $'s for these actions? Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.

I have a lot of custom actions, when I say a lot I mean sporting goods style, my favorite right now is
I am going to have a 6.5PRC custom built for western hunting....not PRS or competition work. The gunsmith will do any action I want. I can get a Rem 700 tuned and blueprinted action for approx $500-$600. A Stiller Predator will run about $1K and a Defence Deviant for about $1300.

If I'm not going to resale right away, is there any major reason to spend 2x or 2.x more $'s for these actions? Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.

I have a lot of custom actions, a lot. I also have a lot of Rem700 from stock to blue printed and they all shoot very well. My favorite action right now is Terminus, they are pretty amazing. That being said for the money you are going to spend, IMO, again IMO for hunting, why not look at a Christienson Ridgeline in PRC? Pretty custom and they shoot really good, I have a few. It will do anything you need it to do while being light and accurate. Now to answer your question about actions, what I have seen, when you buy a top of the line action ie Defiance, Terminus etc, they are much easier to sell. The people looking for those usually have the money for those and will spend it. Go mess with a few, look at them and fit and finish and choose.
Have you seen the Alamo Precision Rifles APR gen 2 Hunter action? To me, it looks like it would check all the boxes. Its DLC coated bolt/action, Rem 700 foot print and triggers, savage tenon threads, controlled round feed with mechanical ejector and a slew of other additions that make Remington look like the Ford Taurus of the gun world. The cost of the APR action is anywhere from $800-825. That's a lot of bang for the buck. Especially if you are planning on having a Remington action trued, firing pin brushed, side bolt release, recoil lug pinned, and adding a Badger Ordnance (insert favorite manufacturers name) 20moa base. I've been looking really hard at these for a budget build or 2 in the future.
I just did the same thing. Built a rifle, 28 nosler with a Remington 700 LA. I had the action blue printed but the primary extraction was off and not initially completed. It took a long time but I figured out I had to send it to Dan at Accutig in Alaska. Much better. If the Serial number starts with an RR. Just plan on getting the bolt retimed. Not a big deal if you have already figured it out. Good luck with the build. Sounds like the smith will do it for you. Good luck. We love seeing pictures of builds so I hope you post it after a fished product is out.
I agree with the above from 5shot. I've had a few built on trued 700s but this year had APR build a 65 prc on their gen2 action and I couldn't be happier.

The only knock against it is being a TL action you can't run a wyatts so you'll need a long action for the prc. Was of no concern to me as I simply wanted a light weight rifle, not an ultra light. My rifle with an AG c.f. stock and a proof sendero barrel is under 7.

I also had them build an sub 7 pound 30 nosler on a defiance tenacity with a steel barrel. It's a hard action to find due to limited production runs but a lot of action for the money.

Give APR a call, they won't dissappoint.
Anyone that says there isn't a difference between a rem 700 and a custom action obviously hasn't had both side by side.

A custom actions fit and finish is far superior than rem 700. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with a rem 700 at all, to say there is no difference is crazy.
Any Accuracy difference ?
I am going to have a 6.5PRC custom built for western hunting....not PRS or competition work. The gunsmith will do any action I want. I can get a Rem 700 tuned and blueprinted action for approx $500-$600. A Stiller Predator will run about $1K and a Defence Deviant for about $1300.

If I'm not going to resale right away, is there any major reason to spend 2x or 2.x more $'s for these actions? Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.

First, love what you're doing with this project. I just built a 6.5 PRC for LR target and some hunting. The rifle I built is too heavy to lug around out here in the west where I live. But if I can sit in a blind it's wonderful.

Second, I built a 7mm out of a 700 Action and it turned out fine. I use it for long range target and some hunting. It's heavy. Very accurate out to 1760 yards. 1/4" MOA for sure.

Finally, I built my 6.5 PRC on a Bighorn Origen short action. It's a shooter for sure. Solid 1/4" MOA accuracy when I'm having a good day. The gun is better than I am for sure.

Point: I don't think you can go wrong either way. You'll have an edge over the 700 on resale. Talk to you gunsmith. Mine preferred working on the Origen. And if the bolt angle on the 700 is okay for your chassis then you won't have to have it cut and repositioned. If that is necessary then I'd go for the Origen which has my preferred angle on the bolt.

Have fun and shoot straight! Peace.
It all comes down to personal choice! Asking for opinions is opening Pandora's box especially on subjects like this. Just go with what your looking for in a action such as weight, slick bolt etc and roll with it.

I have a real good friend who has quite a few customs and every time if I or one of our friends shows up with a CZ or some other bolt gun that hangs in there with his custom, first words out of his mouth are "well so much for $3K custom!"
Just to expand on what rfurman24 mentioned. The Tikka action is an exceptional action. If you want to do a build you can pick up a used tikka lite for around 400, sometimes less. sometimes much less. These actions are true out of the box. He has built a couple of one hole rifles with bartlien barrels. I have one. It's a very versatile action if you are looking for a budget build.
If i was doing a build I would buy the best i can afford if your using for hunting I would go titanium action carbon fiber components to keep weight down also look for lighter scope as for resale my experience is a custom action will hold its value better a trued rem will be very accurate if done right but there's nothing better than the feel of a custom action will also be very accurate I have never seen anyone regret building on a custom action
I love the feel, quality and fit of a custom action but If any action is trued, locking lugs lapped etc., and once the action is closed on a PRC type cartridge and ready to be fired , is there really any difference in accuracy between any of theses actions provided the locking lugs are fitted correctly?
Why wouldn't it be fine? There have been plenty of good rifles built on 700 actions.
Lots of us, myself included buy rifles SO far beyond our abilities that's it's a waste of money! Watch the classifieds here..Paid ABC..Asking..XYZ Then the price drops
No one ever gets what they paid..Spend less Lose Less!
I have a custom action & several 700s barreled up with custom tubes. I see nothing wrong with a 700 action if a fellow wants to keep it. I know a trued 700 will shoot as good as a custom. Maybe a little better resale on a custom but I don't sell many of mine, so 700 action is just fine with me.
Personally, I would build on a Winchester, Ruger or Bighorn action. The first 2 are great CRF actions with striker locking safeties. Those 2 have decent triggers available or getting them adjusted by your gunsmith works well. They also can be slicked up well.

The Bighorn Origin is the next level up and uses Rem 700 stocks and triggers.

The Rem 700, especially an older one is an ok action, but will require a lot of work to square and slick up.

After my last Winchester, I would do that again or maybe look at a commercial Mauser.
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