Comparison of 6.5PRC Action Options

One issue I have found with using a 700 action is that a lot more smiths don't want to mess with them anymore. I have heard too many say they aren't worth the effort to blueprint.
In my opinion, all combustion automobiles are clones of the Ford Model A.
True!!! Look at all the variances on opinions in this thread alone. If there were one action, one barrel, one trigger, one stock, or heck for that matter, one gun smith that was truly better than the rest, this thread wouldn't even be a conversation. Everyone, including me with custom builds are all chasing the magic bean. In my opinion again, there's more in the barrel, cut, thread, chamber, bedding etc that goes into an accurate rifle than the action. All things being equal again with a trued 700 vs custom actions. I was called out in this thread that machined custom actions are not true all the time. The ones I've bought have not had to be trued, pinned, blue printed etc... so maybe I was wrong in that aspect that not all are 100% perfect to start. But if that's the case, it again brings up why spend the extra coin on a hunting rifle if you spend 5-700 more than a 700 and still have to have the same work done on it to start? I do still stand behind that my defiance and Shelby actions are smoother than any 700's but the most 2 accurate rifles I have ever owned were on a 700 action. I have always thought it was just lucky draw barrels. Heck when you can change a primer and move a group 3/4" it's amazing any of us can ever get one to shoot holes.
In my opinion, all combustion automobiles are clones of the Ford Model A.
TRUE! Just referring to the new movie how at LeMans, Ford(700 action) caught and beat Ferrari(custom action). However, given the choice, I would still prefer the more expensive, quality built Ferrari. Just saying?
TRUE! Just referring to the new movie how at LeMans, Ford(700 action) caught and beat Ferrari(custom action). However, given the choice, I would still prefer the more expensive, quality built Ferrari. Just saying?
By the way, Shelby Ford vs Shelby Actions. Coincidence??
Now get a benchmark barrel and you will be set! I have guns in all the above and more. I believe the barrel and smithing on ghe chamber are much more important than the action, and i like custome actions but dont believe they are more accurate per se. I like someone else stated the tikkas are gr8. Fing and old 700 on the used gun rack, that would work well. My new 28 nosler on an old rem 700 that a friend gave me, shoots about 1/4 moa. Benchmark barrel, good trigger and stock, voila gr8 tackdriving hunting rig. Using it in africa as i write this, 195 vld bergers, all one shot kills. Couldnt be happier! Now i am ready for the crap storm i expect!
Years ago! I started making my mind up it's pretty much made up now.
Everyone thinks if they get a Super Slam Dunk Rifle with a Diamond Max Action
they are going to shoot like Billy Stevens..Dudes it ain't going to happen with ANY rifle or action..Buy some Taylor Made Clubs do you think they will make you Golf like Tiger..
I doubt it...
Years ago! I started making my mind up it's pretty much made up now.
Everyone thinks if they get a Super Slam Dunk Rifle with a Diamond Max Action
they are going to shoot like Billy Stevens..Dudes it ain't going to happen with ANY rifle or action..Buy some Taylor Made Clubs do you think they will make you Golf like Tiger..
I doubt it...
your absolutely right. But it is the process that's fun. That what makes it a hobby.
I am trying to put the pieces together right now to build a 6.5 PRC. I think you need at least a 3" magazine box to make it viable. Long actions aren't the best for WSM type cases. I think the "medium" actions are the way to go. Still haven't decided myself. I have a trued "Blueprinted" 700 action; lugs recut, threads re-cut, bolt bushed, bolt body bushed but it still have 6-48 scope base threads, the stupid ground off rear bridge that NEVER fits the bases properly and it doesn't lock up as tight as my customs. I don't think it shoots quite as good either. IF you do all the things needed to make a 700 like a custom action it will cost MORE than the standard clone actions. I just don't know which one will work best with the PRC case.
I went with the Defiance XM action and got the XM bottom metal made by Sunny Hill Manufacturing. This allows me to load up to 3.2oal
I am going to have a 6.5PRC custom built for western hunting....not PRS or competition work. The gunsmith will do any action I want. I can get a Rem 700 tuned and blueprinted action for approx $500-$600. A Stiller Predator will run about $1K and a Defence Deviant for about $1300.

If I'm not going to resale right away, is there any major reason to spend 2x or 2.x more $'s for these actions? Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.
Remington actions do not lock the bolt closed otherwise they are fine. Have bolt locking safety installed and uour good to go. That feature is imperative for me in a hunting rifle.
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