Comparison of 6.5PRC Action Options

Like people have said I would get a big horn action they have a new one out that will rival the price of a tried rem action.
I am going to have a 6.5PRC custom built for western hunting....not PRS or competition work. The gunsmith will do any action I want. I can get a Rem 700 tuned and blueprinted action for approx $500-$600. A Stiller Predator will run about $1K and a Defence Deviant for about $1300.

If I'm not going to resale right away, is there any major reason to spend 2x or 2.x more $'s for these actions? Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.
Might look at a stiller action about the same price as a 700 plus the cost of blueprinting
A very well known smith told me that every action except Bat needs some work before it could be used. I believe him he doesn't make actions just nice rifles.
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I've used an FN PBR and an SPR both actions are bone stock both rifles shoot 1/2 moa CONSISTENTLY, not cherry picked groups here and their. The factory mag length is 3.050. Shooting factory Hornady 147 match loads.
I am going to have a 6.5PRC custom built for western hunting....not PRS or competition work. The gunsmith will do any action I want. I can get a Rem 700 tuned and blueprinted action for approx $500-$600. A Stiller Predator will run about $1K and a Defence Deviant for about $1300.

If I'm not going to resale right away, is there any major reason to spend 2x or 2.x more $'s for these actions? Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.
I am going to have a 6.5PRC custom built for western hunting....not PRS or competition work. The gunsmith will do any action I want. I can get a Rem 700 tuned and blueprinted action for approx $500-$600. A Stiller Predator will run about $1K and a Defence Deviant for about $1300.

If I'm not going to resale right away, is there any major reason to spend 2x or 2.x more $'s for these actions? Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.

One reason why the one piece custom actions are appealing to me is that the rail and recoil logs are machined as part of the receiver eliminating two places of potential mystery zero shift issues. We chose Lone Peak Arms's Fuzion short action receivers and like Rich mentioned with the PRC get a XM, midsize or long action. We have 4 Fuzions one is the Fuzion Ti... they are all cut for the same bolt diameter, and we have .223, standard and magnum bolts. What is impressive to me, when I swap an optic to another receiver change barrels and bolts, torque everything back down ... the return to zero from the previous assembly of that system is dead on and the shifts in zero are within .5 mil from barrel to barrel. When using ARC rings I mounted two mark 5 and a ZCO the windage was dead on to .1 off with all three straight out of the box. The trued 700 will be accurate and perform well, but having a receiver you know will be solid if you have to dissemble or drop it on a hunt is worth it to me. It's the best return on investment of the custom rifle in my opinion.
Personally, I would build on a Winchester, Ruger or Bighorn action. The first 2 are great CRF actions with striker locking safeties. Those 2 have decent triggers available or getting them adjusted by your gunsmith works well. They also can be slicked up well.

The Bighorn Origin is the next level up and uses Rem 700 stocks and triggers.

The Rem 700, especially an older one is an ok action, but will require a lot of work to square and slick up.

After my last Winchester, I would do that again or maybe look at a commercial Mauser.

Help me. I am acronymically impaired. What is CRF?
First right off the bat. Yes absolutely a 700 will do it all for less than a custom. And most of the customs are not even custom. They are copies of the 700. Not a fully drew up fresh sheet action. I personally use mostly 700s on all my own personal rifles even though I can put a Bordin on if I want. The Bordin med would be The cats butt on your prc. The op said a blue printed 700 for 5-600 bucks. What does this guys bluprinting consist of. If it's blue printed like mine it would be extremely accurate and smooth running. Accuracy for hunting and compatition are 2 different classes. It will be under a 1/2 moa 5 shot gun for sure. So will the custom for more that twice the price. I'm starting to look at all the low end customs and thinking they are big on value. Like a company makes a 1500 action and a 750 action. They are for all intent and proposes doing the same thing.
Just for basics an action has a receiver that has the threads for the barrel. Lug faces for bolt lugs. A channel for bolt to pull back and forth. A cut out for rounds to go into the action from below or side. A way to hold the trigger. A custom only does this. But you can pay more and get a trigger hanger. Changed nothing but access to your trigger from bottom in glued down rifles. Bolt body breaks down into tube that holds the locking lugs handle to move bolt back and forth and rotational. Not much happening here. Flutes for smoother sliding better handle maybe. The striker assembly is just that or with shroud safety. This is all an action does. Aside from holding bases for rings and screws for attaching to stock. If you do all of that better or not it will still do it's intended propose.
If money were never an obstacle I would use the customs on them all.
They are prettier. I was going to say smoother too but how do you really get much smoother than a Tikka. If you can wait for the bighorn do it just for the value of resale if you sell. Seems like great deal you can't lose on. I know someone is going to stop on me for this and I will get some likes. Know the facts and use common sense and you will be ready. A 700 with just a little true up will suffice but I fully cut my remmies and do full blueprint. Unless you have a lug way to short to touch it will still shoot.
Next on list is custom barrel or not. If your factory Tikka shoots 1/4 moa what is a custom barrel going to do that much better?
I can
I am going to have a 6.5PRC custom built for western hunting....not PRS or competition work. The gunsmith will do any action I want. I can get a Rem 700 tuned and blueprinted action for approx $500-$600. A Stiller Predator will run about $1K and a Defence Deviant for about $1300.

If I'm not going to resale right away, is there any major reason to spend 2x or 2.x more $'s for these actions? Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.
I can tell you about 2 Defiance XM builds I am directly involved with. My father used the Rebel XM length and I used the Deviant Ultralight. Both actions give use about 3.2 OAL. Most of our accurate handloads are running around 3.01 inches ish. We had them throated to put the base of a 147 ELDM just ahead of the neck shoulder junction when the ogive is in the lands to provide max case capacity. Even with the 156 EOL the bullet does not protrude into the powder space much. The actions are smooth as butter and we ordered the with the machined in recoil lug. The rifles have been easy to load for and achieve sub 1/2 MOA. Just shot a Coues

If it was going to build one on a Rem 700 I'd use a long action heavy recoil lug and the HS Precision bottom metal using their 300 WM DBM with the spacer. That gives you 3.1 inches of mag space. In fact I have an 7 LRM that I will likely do this to soon.
I am going to have a 6.5PRC custom built for western hunting....not PRS or competition work. The gunsmith will do any action I want. I can get a Rem 700 tuned and blueprinted action for approx $500-$600. A Stiller Predator will run about $1K and a Defence Deviant for about $1300.

If I'm not going to resale right away, is there any major reason to spend 2x or 2.x more $'s for these actions? Is there anything these specialty actions do for me that the Rem 700 won't? Are we just discussing buying a Chevrolet or a BMW? Both will drive 75mph but just get there differently in style.

Hope some of you LRH hunters have made these choices. Thanks.
FORD VS FERRARI comes to mind??
I want to thank everyone for their opinions and their experiences. You've given me plenty to think about. I wanted to buy an out of the box Cooper Backcountry (being a Montana company) but they don't do a 6.5PRC yet - in design they say. So, decided to do the custom route. Will discuss all of the above with my custom gunsmith and work with him on what we need to select together. I also don't want to wait for a long lead action to delay the build any longer than necessary. Thanks again.
I want to thank everyone for their opinions and their experiences. You've given me plenty to think about. I wanted to buy an out of the box Cooper Backcountry (being a Montana company) but they don't do a 6.5PRC yet - in design they say. So, decided to do the custom route. Will discuss all of the above with my custom gunsmith and work with him on what we need to select together. I also don't want to wait for a long lead action to delay the build any longer than necessary. Thanks again.

Call Montana rifle company and talk to Nathan. Their internal box is plenty long enough to handle the longer loads but I'm not sure of their chamber specs. +1 (406) 309-0030
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