Best 7mm bullet out to 600 yds

I have had great success out to 800 yards with Nosler acubond BT in the 140 and 160gr, took a little while to get the right powder load but we'll worth it
Really? We've used the 140 BT in our 7s and they smoke deer. My biggest buck was shot with a 140 bt. 7mm entry, quarter sized exit at 80 yards. Dressed at 218lbs. Did they blow up on you?
Really? We've used the 140 BT in our 7s and they smoke deer. My biggest buck was shot with a 140 bt. 7mm entry, quarter sized exit at 80 yards. Dressed at 218lbs. Did they blow up on you?
have also killed a truck full of deer with 140 by and never had a problem with 7mm mag at over 3200 fps very deadly
I have been hunting since I killed my first deer at 7 years old(Shotgun).We butchered a pig each year so I knew how to clean it.
When I started to load my own I used Nosler Partitions and had great success all these years since.
We have had snow in July here in Montana more often than a Partition has failed to do it's job so I'm with those that recommended the Partition.
Some years ago when bullets were hard to find I switched to Nosler Accubond and none has failed me so I keep using the Accubond but still have Partitions in the bullet/powder safe.
Just my 2 cents
Old Rooster
Used to shoot the 140 Nosler BT because recoil was a little less. Switched to the Nosler 160 AB. Been extremely satisfied with it in my 7 RM. Never looked back. Shoot what is most accurate in your gun. Mine shot 1.5-2" at 300 yds.
This last week, brother and I were working with two Rem 700 Sendero's Stainless fluted, bedded with Vias muzzle breaks, Leupold 8-25.

175g Long range accubond
Rem brass
CCI 250
62.5g of R#22
2860 fps
Shot 3/8" groups or less in both rifles, multiple groups fired in each.

R#26 is reported to give 3000 fps with outing will give it a try. We ordered 10 boxes that afternoon.
so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks
I use the Nosler Accubond Long Range ABLR in 168gr for my 7-08, 7mm Rem Mag, 7mm STW and 7mm Dakota all shoot exceptional from 300 out! I would not use it under 200 yds or it will fragment and cause severe exit wound, costing you a lot of meat
so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks
I would go with the 145gr. Spitzer BTSP Speer bullet, they can be loaded for maximum energy at impact with good velocity and b.c. at 400yds
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so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks
I personally like the 162 it is a good all around bullet it is the most preferred bullet for that rifle The 7MM was developed for mule deer hunting specifically my rifle seems to like that bullet the best
Took me years to be able to figure out what bullet shot the best out of my rifle I did not have a reloading station at the time tried everything from a 150 to 180 The hornady precision hunter ammo 162 is the best right out of the Box
The last two elk I killed were 175 Nosler Accubond longrange out of a Remington Sendero 7mm Remington Magnum. One elk was 520 yards and the other was 470 yards. The bullets performed flawlessly. My muzzle velocity was 2940fps.
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