Best 7mm bullet out to 600 yds

Haven't read through the thread at all but the 143 gn Hammer hunter is hard to beat. Better consistent weight tolerance than barnes. Actually weighs 145 gn plus. Can be loaded to higher velocity than your lead based bullet or even barnes bullets, little to no coppering of the barrel. Most of all, very deadly on game of any size! I should add that it requires a 9.25 or faster twist rate barrel but for most 7mm AI's I don't think that's a problem.
I worked up a load for elk at extended ranges and took 6 doe and 1 big hog last year with devastating results!

168 grain Nosler Accubond LR
63 grains of H-1000
0.38MOA at 300, 0.5MOA at 600


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so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks
I use 168 vld berger has never failed me one shot kills 697 the farthest 617 bc
so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks

I've knocked everything over dead with 160 grain Nosler Partitions. I'd recommend them without hesitation.
The new federal 155 grain edge tlr takes my vote. Expandes at close range and out to 900 yds and is bonded lead and copper with nickel plating. Great retention and BC is 0.61. Awesome bullet! I used to shoot barnes ttsx and still do in my .243 but for my 7mm i upgraded. Recovered a bullet from my elk this year in the skin on the offside shoulder
after a heart shot at 60 yards and its awesome. Look them up.
I think you are attacking this wrong. What is your barrels twist rate? What bullet does your barrel like?

In short, find a modern hunting bullet your rifle shoots well. With that said, I personally prefer high BC larger bullets. If you wanted to split the difference between lighter and heavier bullets you might look at the ELDX 162 gr which carries a BC of .631.

I shoot 180 gr VLDs at 2910 FPS with a BC of .673. At 600 yards I am carrying 2335 FPS w 2179 ft energy (air density at 10k ft elk hunting)
The problem with "long range" rifles is that the muzzle velocity is so high for all but the heaviest bullets that they tend to explode inside 100 yards.

The best bet is then a sleek cup and core bullet heavy enough to keep the muzzle velocity under about 3,000 fps while still being able to expand at 600.

One can go faster with lead free, but the minimum opening velocity needs to be compared with the arrival velocity at 600 yards.
For that distance I would go with the Barnes TTSX. With a little work you can usually get them to shoot good and they hit like a freight train. More speed at 400 yards equates to more blood shot meat, IMO. Find the bullet weight that shoots the best out of your rifle and don't worry about the speed as long as its fast enough to get the proper expansion. I used the 140's in my 7 STW for years and never had any issues.
I see you have had very good feedback.
I will add my $.02 just since I have finally gotten to the end of the post.
I shoot several 7mm guns.
My go to for deer and bear is either the 7wsm or the 7mm-300.
My bullet choice is either the 175 gr accubond LR or the Berger 180 grain VLD hunting. Out to 600 yards I do not need to change my drop chart for either round.

For closer shots in heavy brush areas, I go with the accubond. Seems to knock them down faster, and few deer take more than a step or two. For longer range shots (300 plus) or big animals like bear, I go with the Berger. It bucks the wind better, is much tighter tolerances on weight from bullet to bullet (accubond allows a 3% variance Berger less than 1%) and expands properly once out at this range. On closer shots, it kills but will sometimes pencil through. Deer is dead, but sometimes with little to no blood trail.

Good luck.
so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks
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