Best 7mm bullet out to 600 yds

so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks

What is your twist rate on your gun.
If you have a 1:9 try either the 175 eld-x or the 180 Berger. Ran both and both are evil. I like the heavier bullets due to the fact either will kill very effective on elk or deer.
Have also ran 160 np. Very effective on game. 175 np on elk is really good.
Either is very effective on deer or elk.

162gr A-Max would be awesome in that 7 Mag. 160gr Accubonds could work a little better on large game and may be a little easier to load for accuracy since they won't be as sensitive to seating depth (secant ogive vs tangent). Inside 600 yards w/ a 7 Mag, anything over 150 grains will be very flat and will be effective.
The old Amax and the ELDM is the exact same bullet with different tips arent they?
I'm just not I have my reasons and I'll leave it at that.

Of course, to each his own and from the posts you see that there is a lot of subjectivity based on personal experience. Hornady tipped GMXs took that last 3 pronghorns and a few elk. As for the OP, I'd go with the 140gn Berger VLDH or 150gn Classic Hunter in 7mm.

I'm just not I have my reasons and I'll leave it at that.

I admit to not being a fan of tipped bullets as well, but only in some bullet types - particularly in thin-skinned target gullets like the A-MAX. SIL hit an antelope, facing, in toward the front of the backstrap (poor placement for sure) and it traveled down to the left ham. Pretty well shredded the rest of the backstrap and much of the ham. For that matter, I don't like thin-skinned target bullets for game, tipped or not.

The only tipped cup-and-core bullet I've used in my rifles was a 150g BT at less-than-max velocities and 282 yards on a cow elk. It was down before I recovered from the recoil.

[Edit to add]
Correction. I used a 95g SST in a used .2343 Win I picked up on an antelope doe. The SST load was the only load I developed because a) it was the first, b) it shot bug holes, and c) I ran out of time. Had planned to develop a load for the 90g AB but didn't get to it. The SST did the job with no issues, but I've since switched back to my .257 Roberts/110AB/3163fps, which has taken a lot of antelope over the years.
[End edit]

With TTSX I've seen a couple failures - both with the tip coming off in the action. The problem was traced to the noobie shooter jamming a bullet from the magazine into one that had been hand loaded into the chamber.

Other than that, no problems with AB (which we use a lot and TTSX (which we use even more). I think the Federal Edge TLR may be the best hunting bullet design ever, at least conceptually, although I have yet to try them on game..
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If people wanna use plastic tipped bullets that's there choice then use them, I personally have not had good luck and no I havent tried all of the plastic tipped out there and have no intention to run through them all. I shot Nosler Partions starting in the mid 80's untill about 12 years ago when I built my 6.5x300 WSM to specially shot Berger 140's and I have not had 1 failure with either the NP or Berger, but not so good luck with plastic tip so I stick with what I know works.
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