Best 7mm bullet out to 600 yds

Yes like a varmint bullet. My hunting buddy was running the BT at about 2900 out of his 7 mm It was a hammer. Seemed like the faster velocity made them come apart. My thinking on that is if your gonna fun a mag cartridge at those velocity's (2900) buy a 280 to heck with slowing it down
I dont think the velocity was the problem had them loaded at 2800 for my wife, I took it that morning because I wanted to see what they would do.
140g Accubond in a Remington 700, 7 Mag:

Rem brass
Rem 9 1/2
try these three loads:

66.0 of IMR 4350
Touch the lands with the bullet, very important
3250 fps
2.5-3.5" groups at 600
Gentry muzzle breaks help you see the bullet hit the deer, throws sound forward. Rifles are bedded in good stocks, great triggers, freefloated barrels.

Some Remington rifles shoot the 162g eldx and 168g Berger Hunting bullets with 62-62.5g of R#22 into small groups while others will like 71g of Retumbo with a fed 215.

We have killed a flock of deer with the 140g failures.

Few Remingtons will not shoot the 140g load above and if they do not it is because the owner does not know how to measure the COAL to the lands and adjust bullet seater accordingly.
65 gr 4350 is a winner for sure Has shot in every Remington I have tried it in
140g Accubond in a Remington 700, 7 Mag:

Rem brass
Rem 9 1/2
try these three loads:

66.0 of IMR 4350
Touch the lands with the bullet, very important
3250 fps
2.5-3.5" groups at 600
Gentry muzzle breaks help you see the bullet hit the deer, throws sound forward. Rifles are bedded in good stocks, great triggers, freefloated barrels.

Some Remington rifles shoot the 162g eldx and 168g Berger Hunting bullets with 62-62.5g of R#22 into small groups while others will like 71g of Retumbo with a fed 215.

We have killed a flock of deer with the 140g failures.

Few Remingtons will not shoot the 140g load above and if they do not it is because the owner does not know how to measure the COAL to the lands and adjust bullet seater accordingly.
I used the 165 grain Gamechangers in my 28 Nosler last year. Shots range from 106 yards to 383 yards and the bullet performed great for me on elk, deer, and antelope.
162gr A-Max would be awesome in that 7 Mag. 160gr Accubonds could work a little better on large game and may be a little easier to load for accuracy since they won't be as sensitive to seating depth (secant ogive vs tangent). Inside 600 yards w/ a 7 Mag, anything over 150 grains will be very flat and will be effective.
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