Best 7mm bullet out to 600 yds

so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks
Usually use barnes but i have had gr8 success with 168 berger vld in my 7 wsm. Killed a big buck at 624, a huge eland, 1700 lbs, at 560, red hartebeSt and kudu at over 500. All one shot kills
Same here. Hardly any blood for maybe 75 yds and then nothing. Tracked, circled, backtracked, wandered, and still nothing. He didn't even flinch when hit. I had no snow at all. I was *Rule 4 Violation*ed. I shot him with a 7mm WSM 140 grain BT right behind the shoulder traveling at 3250 fps. At those speeds, esp on those under 200 yd shots I will only use bonded bullets and I like the Accubonds. No more BT's for this guy. BT's are great for those 600 yd shots because the bullet has slowed down enough to penetrate properly before expanding. If they are close, better take a head shot. This is just my experience with BT's. I know others swear by them but I don't trust them.

Don't let the Berger Zombies hear that!;)
I dont think 2800 is magnum velocity's and that's at the muzzle, I'm guessing 2650 when it hit.
To be clear, I'm not endorsing the 140gr BT as candidate for the OP's question... I've also experienced failures with this bullet, but was offering a suggestion as to why some have found it works ok while others have been disappointed.
Personally, I'd recommend the 160gr AB. I find them to be reliable killers and quite accurate.
At common hunting ranges I prefer a lead tip and flat base, but the question was to 600yd, and boat tails are usually better at this distance.
so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks
At 600 and under, I'd shoot 160 accubonds for everything and I'd shoot with confidence.
I have used the Barnes 145 LRX since they were introduced with great success. Also the previous generations of Barnes bullets.

Now I am working with the 155 grain Federal Edge TLR. I have been getting great accuracy and hope to be able to use them next year in Wyoming.
Anyone tried the 165gr Sierra Gamechangers? I've used them in my 30-06 - very accurate and excellent performance on game out to 450m. Not sure I'd use them much past that though.
I tries the 165 in my .280 last year, very happy with the results, nice buck drt at 330yds.
At common hunting ranges I prefer a lead tip and flat base, but the question was to 600yd, and boat tails are usually better at this distance.
That's why I endorse the NP up to 400 and a Berger beyond that. I also wanted to make it clear the BT wasnt even close to magnum velocity.
I'll be taking my 7mm WBY mag. with me for bear this year and possibly on a late season elk hunt. Most of the areas I will be hunting are 500 yard and under. I'll be sure to post my findings if I am lucky enough! I have a load developed for a Nosler Accubond 160gr. @ 3250 FPS.
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So look here, other than the 155 Hammers, most everything I have tried over 150's have required a tighter twist than most factory barrels come with.
Now I was trying a set up with a 7 RUM with a factory barrel and could not get good groups at all. I went with 140 and 150 Nosler E-Tips and did good. Also Barnes 140-145's.
Then I had McGowan make 2 28 Nosler barrels with 1 in 8" twist for me. One replaced the 7 RUM barrel. The other went on a new Rem 700 action. Now I can use a much larger span of bullets.
If you find you are having issues with grouping on the heavier bullets it may be the twist isnt tight enough.
Good luck.
so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks
so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks
I handload hornady 162gr wldx
so trying to decide on a bullet for hunting. Will be deer hunting Maybe maybe a elk but doubtful. Will keep the range at 600 or less. Most being under 400 Would you run 140 with some speed or something else. 7mm mag 24 in barrel I seem to have a hard time deciding on this. Not sure the heavy high B C bullet is what I need for this application Your thoughts. Thsnks
I handload 162gr eldx in my ol browning abolt withv26"
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