Best 7mm bullet out to 600 yds

I had great luck on a friends 7mm using 168 Berger Classic Hunter and 60gr of IMR7828ssc,215 fed primers running 2945fps group size at 600 yards 2.5" and 3.5" at 700 yards
Shooter850 I could have gotten more out of the cartridge if I wanted to push it but it is not my gun and he was very happy with the accuracy and velocity
I have used the Barnes 145 LRX since they were introduced with great success. Also the previous generations of Barnes bullets.

Now I am working with the 155 grain Federal Edge TLR. I have been getting great accuracy and hope to be able to use them next year in Wyoming.
Anyone heard of plans for Federal to release the Edge TLR bullet in 6.5MM? Right now according to their site, doesn't show anything in 6.5MM
I have used most every kind of bullet out there in one 7mm or another. I had great results with the Barnes TTSX 140 Grain our of my 7mm STW on Deer, Elk and Antelope with no lost animals or long recoveries. I recently, last five or six years have moved to a 7mm LRM from Gunwerks and am shooting both the Berger 175 Grain Elite Hunters and the 180 Grain Hybrids and both have also performed flawlessly.
I have taken multiple whitetail, antelope, and 1 elk with both the Barnes 145LRX and the 160 Accubond with outstanding results from my 7RM.

Like most others here, my inability to leave well enough alone has my rifle currently getting a new bbl throated for the Berger 175 Elite Hunters.
If you try the 175g Nosler long range in the 7 RM with R#22, 23 you are going to see some tiny groups, bullet seated close to the lands. This bullet is the Hammer of Thor on deer and hogs, near and far we have found. Groups in the Rem 700 Sendero's are one hole groups, never over 3/8", Rem 700 sporters with 26" barrels are .400 and less. We run muzzle breaks on all rifles, use higher powered variable scopes.

R#23 load runs 2850 fps
R#26 load runs 3030 fps, we are out of 26 and can not find anymore
If you try the 175g Nosler long range in the 7 RM with R#22, 23 you are going to see some tiny groups, bullet seated close to the lands. This bullet is the Hammer of Thor on deer and hogs, near and far we have found. Groups in the Rem 700 Sendero's are one hole groups, never over 3/8", Rem 700 sporters with 26" barrels are .400 and less. We run muzzle breaks on all rifles, use higher powered variable scopes.

R#23 load runs 2850 fps
R#26 load runs 3030 fps, we are out of 26 and can not find anymore

I totally agree Keith and I love the 175ABLR. I get 2,815 with RL23. Super accurate too.

In pic below, I shot a 800lb Zebra at 180 yds, broke shoulder, 2 lungs, and under skin on far side.

What more can you ask for?


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I just got back from a trip to Africa. Hunted RSA and Zambia. Took my 7mm SAUM. 180 gr Berger hunting bullet at 2900 fps. Bartlien 1 in 8 twist barrel. Between me and my buddy we killed 16 animals with that bullet. That included Cape eland at 476 yds and 511 yds. Both 1 shot kills. Also a Pattersons eland at 75 yds. Hit him in the shoulder and he went 75 yds and I hit him again as he started getting wobbly. All of the rest were 1 shot kills. Including a Lechwe bull and 3 Cookstons Hartebeast. Every PH wanted to know about the rifle and bullet we were using. They just flat worked. You'll get the same results with the 7 mm mag. A .28 Nosler I might step up to the 195 gr.
I use Speer TNT for most things and they are all DRT. If I'm shooting deer at long ranges I'll pick something else (500+) but I've done it effectively with them. Often overlooked for the simple hollow point they are but the are usually the most accurate bullet and deadly as all hell.

I would want to know two things before recommending a 7mm bullet.

1 What MV do you plan on running it at?
loosely = cartridge since you can reach similar MV in various forms)

2 How do you want the bullet to perform?
-Do you want to punch through both sides no matter what commonly a person will choose controlled expansion bullets Partitions, TTSX etc.
-Prefer to dump all the energy inside on entry = frangible bullets Berger, ELDM, SMK's etc.
Personally I find it helpful to figure out what velocities a given bullet I want to use will perform as designed and at what distances that MV will do that. That specific criteria will dictate whether I use a 7mm 08, a 28 Nolser or a 280 Rem etc. Or if the velocity I'm looking for is similar between cartridges I may be able to hand load the same velocity across all three examples and can choose which has less recoil or which is lighter to carry in the field etc.

For example I push a 7mm bullet in a 7mm 08 about 2700 fps and use 162 ELD-M's. That bullet design has proven to work very well (with my MV) from 100 yards out to around 800+ yards on game and out to a mile on steel and rocks no problem. Others I know run the same bullet in faster 7mm's and will not shoot as close as 100 yards because they feel the bullet is moving too fast at that distance and could produce poor performance such as bullet blown up and not much penetration.

In the same idea (strictly my opinion) because of my MV I would not launch a Partition or TTSX say more than 350ish yards in my 7mm 08 on game. I feel the controlled expansion bullets need more speed than my 7mm 08 provided at 600 yards and would use a different cartridge size (MV) on those 7mm bullets.

hope that helps...and hit me up if you want to get in the weeds on bullet choice
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