Bear protection handguns?

Killed griz with #6 shot 😳

Couldn't be sure, but it looked like one cub was much bigger than the other. I wonder whether the bigger one was a yearling. Cubs someimes stay with mama for 3 years, but it seems odd for mama to breed again and still have yearlings around her.
Couldn't be sure, but it looked like one cub was much bigger than the other. I wonder whether the bigger one was a yearling. Cubs someimes stay with mama for 3 years, but it seems odd for mama to breed again and still have yearlings around her.
Did you read the article where in 2019 the same guy that took the video shot a sow griz with shotgun while bird hunting and killed it with #6 shot ? Near end of article . Sow had a cub. Lucky guy.
Did you read the article where in 2019 the same guy that took the video shot a sow griz with shotgun while bird hunting and killed it with #6 shot ? Near end of article . Sow had a cub. Lucky guy.
I remembered that one. Point blank more like a solid at that range.

Before there was interweb, and old guy shot a buffalo, with shotgun, small shot, a little distance, to scare it out of his yard, at the shot it dropped dead. Total fluke.
I remembered that one. Point blank more like a solid at that range.

Before there was interweb, and old guy shot a buffalo, with shotgun, small shot, a little distance, to scare it out of his yard, at the shot it dropped dead. Total fluke.
I figured it would be like an ounce or more slug at 10 ft.
Dropped a buffalo? Holy s$&% !
Go online to Gunfighter's Inc website and watch the Bear Defense Training video. Watching that will definitely give you perspective on how fast a TRAINED Navy Seal can access his handgun with a grizzly charging him. I'm pretty sure not everyone is that fast and accurate. If you're hunting in Griz or Brown Bear country, you might wanna do some practice of that sort with the hand cannon you're carrying, no matter what the caliber
I would have had my freezer full of buffalo burger for sure. SSS
My recollection is it didn't go well. He was elderly, and had been arguing with the Park, USFWS, and State about keeping "their" buffalo off his place, busting fences etc. He called so many times they blew him off on the phone. Then decided to go out and check on him. He took their advice to just deal with it.
Watch the video in the article. 😳
Wow! That's stud **** right there. Bear spray out and ready and staying calm instead screaming hysterically. Well done lady 👍
I wonder if she opts for a firearm and training going forward…