Barrel Recommendation?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2015
Minnewaukan ND
Right now, I have Rock River lower Receiver (AR15), Rock River upper receiver. Seekins Precision LPK and Geisselle Super T trigger.
I want an accurate barrel for varmint hunting and target shooting.
I don't want a long barrel, maybe 20", longer if I went carbon fiber cause it wouldn't add the weight.
What do you all recommend? Also, I'm not set on a caliber either
Try the 6.5 Grendel. I think you might like it better for target and varmint hunting.

I like Rainier Arms Match and Ultramatch series barrels. Faxon also builds a nice barrel from what I hear.
Right now, I have Rock River lower Receiver (AR15), Rock River upper receiver. Seekins Precision LPK and Geisselle Super T trigger.
I want an accurate barrel for varmint hunting and target shooting.
I don't want a long barrel, maybe 20", longer if I went carbon fiber cause it wouldn't add the weight.
What do you all recommend? Also, I'm not set on a caliber either

Check out Bruce Finnegan on FB - BD's Crazy *** (substitute the $ for s on your query) Wildcats

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White Oak Armament barrels are very accurate. I have a couple of them.
20 Practical might be a good choice for Varmint/target I've been tossing around the idea of one of them myself.
I second giving the 6.5 Grendel a looooog look. I have Oden Works barrels in 6.5 Grendel and 223 and they both are very accurate. Guaranteed sub MOA.
going to run a can? how far you shooting?

Im sure I'll run one of my cans. I have a YH Phantom 30 and a Spec War 556.
Distance depends on how accurate it is. I don't want to reload for the gun right now.
So with going with shelf ammo I'm guessing I'll be around sub 500yrds.
I second giving the 6.5 Grendel a looooog look. I have Oden Works barrels in 6.5 Grendel and 223 and they both are very accurate. Guaranteed sub MOA.

Try the 6.5 Grendel. I think you might like it better for target and varmint hunting.

I like Rainier Arms Match and Ultramatch series barrels. Faxon also builds a nice barrel from what I hear.

I'll look into the Grendel.
By varmints, I'm mostly referring to coyotes and smaller. Not hogs or anything like that
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Get a hold of Mike Milli of Dedicated Technologies. He uses Shilen barrels. He will take the time to walk you through what you need, super knowledgeable on everything AR.
Well as you know then the longer the barrel its a pain with a can. I would not go over 20 and with 556 maybe 16.25. I find that Im getting shorter and shorter barrels. With scopes today a little loss in velocity is a couple of clicks away adjustment but makes for a handier rifle, but Im a hunter. If your building a pickup gun then go long.
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