Stock recommendations for AR15

Stocks are like car seats to me. Once you find one that fits and it adjusted right, do you ever need to adjust it again?

I use an A2 stock, and took care to make sure the scope height was where I wanted it using proper scope mount. You can get the Burris P.E.P.R. unit for less than $100. I use the Armalite mount which is about $100 I think. My only gripe with the A2 is that earmuffs interfere with it (maybe I should have gotten a taller scope mount for higher cheek weld), and it has no adjustment for length of pull. But, that can be added if necessary.

I could never bring myself to spend $250 on something like a MagPul PRS, which when adjusted, would probably never touch it again.


It does indeed depend on what you're doing with it. I have a three-way adjustable on my XC gun, and it'll be adjusted four times across the course. Once for the right LOP and cant for Offhand, shortened and the cant reversed for sitting rapids, lengthened a bit for 300 prone rapids and finally, extended just a bit more for the 600 slow fire. That said, I still shoot Service Rifle almost exclusively, which means a standard, non-adjustable A2 stock. There, I have to adjust my position around the rifle.

Some of us need the adjustable capability, and some don't. You may find it useful in some situations, but I think you're chosing wisely be assesing your own needs.
I have several AR's that ai use for competition, hunting, and self defense. They are all equipped with A2 stocks which I much prefer both functionally and aesthetically. I'm fortunate in that the basic open sight handle gives me perfect sight alignment, cheek weld and LOP. All my different sighting systems are matched to this height. An added benefit of the A2 for my LR competition AR's is that the A2 butt can easily be weighted to balance and stabilize the rifle, and a modular rear bag follower can be mounted to the rear swivel mount. The beauty of the AR is its great versatility.
I have carbine lowers, a precision lower with a PRS and my hunting lower with an A2

Each has it's use. If I had to pick one stock that could do it all it would be the A2. It certainly has become my favorite
I also have come to prefur the A2 for most of my shooting. I have a couple magpul MOE fixed and there ok and the couple magpul STR six position they are hands down better than a mil spec. 6 position but on my next precision build I'm going back to a A2.
I have AR15's with Magpul PRS and Luth AR stocks. Both are good but I prefer the Luth AR stock over the Magpul. It's more comfortable, lighter weight, and costs much less. I got mine at
Luth AR Stocks
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