Recommend an AR15?

I actually ordered all the parts. The build should be a little more or less 5 pounds before optics. I'll post up more details once all the parts show up and I assemble it. Might take a month or two. Ping me if I forget and you're curious.
How's it coming. I just finished another 300 blk and got to take it out for hogs. Dropped everyone I hit. All nine. Pretty good sized to. I don't use the heavy bullets. 125gr mad but for most my hunting I've been loading 100gr raptors very safely to 2550fps. Really working well so far. Only bthing en able to go just past 120 yards on a pig so I'll try later for some longer shots
How's it coming. I just finished another 300 blk and got to take it out for hogs. Dropped everyone I hit. All nine. Pretty good sized to. I don't use the heavy bullets. 125gr mad but for most my hunting I've been loading 100gr raptors very safely to 2550fps. Really working well so far. Only bthing en able to go just past 120 yards on a pig so I'll try later for some longer shots

Nice! I got the last of the parts in the mail about a week ago. I haven't assembled it yet. I do still need a bench vice to do the job. I'm currently studying algorithms like mad but maybe I'll give myself a break and build it up soon. If not soon then at least I will have more time end of this month or early next month.
If you go carbine then use the Vltor A5 extension,spring and buffer. You won't regret it.

Advantages to this Vltor stock, spring, and buffer? Kinda costly. What improvements compared to the factory spring and buffer on most factory AR-15s?
Alright! Finally done with the interviewing (got two tentative offers!) and got the rifle built! It's a couple ounces heavier than I thought (the new Magpul MOE K grip is an ounce heavier than the old one, apparently). It's just a hair under 5 lbs without a magazine, scope, or scope mount. I just finished it tonight, so I haven't had it out to the range yet. P.S. how bad of an idea is it to try firing it without checking headspace? I plan to cerakote it.


- Liberty Barrels fluted 18" Grendel II with matching bolt (branded as "AR Stoner")
- Liberty Barrels/Satern barrel thread protector
- Cheapo carbon fiber handguard (ripoff of the AP Customs design)
- Mil spec gas tube
- Syrac Ordnance adjustable gas block. Very expensive, way too tight. They had instructions to pry it open using screws but I don't think it can work the way they instructed. I did scratch the barrel up while doing trial and error trying to get it on.
- Mil Spec barrel nut (could spend more for titanium, but I didn't feel it's worth it)
- Anderson Rifles forged upper and lower
- Rubber City Armory low mass bolt carrier group (replaced the bolt with a 6.5 Grendel II bolt, obviously)
- Mil spec lower parts kit
- Velocity 3 lbs drop in single stage trigger
- Magpul MOE K Pistol grip
- Magpul MOE trigger guard
- Mil spec buffer spring
- Mil spec carbine buffer with metal weights removed replaced by pine dowel pieces. I couldn't get a perfect fit dowel so I had to do some woodworking on it to get it perfect. Kind of a pain in the ***. Hopefully the adjustable gas block can make up for the ultra-light buffer. Don't try doing what I did just because I did it--I'm an idiot.
- Smoke composites carbon fiber short pull closed stock w/ included castle nut and receiver end plate
- Mil spec charging handle
- California compliant bullet button
- 10 round E Lander magazine (heavier than Alexander Arms advertised by an ounce or so)
- Aero Precision Extended scope mount
- Leupold VX6 FireDot duplex


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Couple of things...yes check the headspace and timing by a certified smith, just in case mil spec isn't quite mil spec. Your stock is weird but if that's what you want and like then that's all that matters. Lastly, awesome photos, the one of the scope is a great shot. If you're happy with the rifle, then it's a perfect rifle. I would be pretty happy with it if it were mine.
Thanks! I chose the stock because it's very lightweight. Just the buffer tube alone normally weighs about 3.8 ounces. My entire stock weighs 3.8 ounces. An A2 stock might be 1.5 lbs for reference. The weight difference is huge!
Nice looking rifle I kind of like the stock. When you get around to a brake the Precision Armament M4-72 is an excellent one for recoil reduction. On my AR-15 223. The gun just lays there making it very very easy to spot your own hits and I've even been able to watch my own vaper trails when conditions are just right it's a lot of fun when that happens.
Thanks. Anyone know a 9/16"x24 titanium brake as light as possible?

When building my 6.5 Grendel I did a lot of searching to find a barrel with 5/8x24 threads. You might be best to have a smith mill the odd pitch threads off, re-thread to 5/8x24, and re-crown the muzzle, might be easier, and will surely give you many more options on muzzle devices.
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