What is good accuracy for an AR15?

What is considered good accuracy from an AR? I have a Rem R15 w/22" barrel. With the best factory ammo I've found so far it shoots about 1/2 MOA. Is that what I should expect ? Or better? I have not shot it too much at any long range. I did dial with an estimated velocity and kill a possum at 366 yards the other day with one shot which I thought was good. Anyways, it's my first AR, just trying to find out what is good, average, and terrible for one.
What is the twist rate of your barrel? Different twist rates will handle ammo slightly differently. My Colt 20" barrel has a 1:7 twist and although it shoots the light 55 gr rounds well, it performs much better with the heavier 68 gr rounds. Good Luck
With factory barrels 1 MOA is the goal. With handloading that can be tightened quite a bit, depending on quality or receiver and barrel used đź‘Ť
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