What is the best LR option in an AR15?

I have a 6mmAR that the upper was put together by Richard Whitely. He has a Website of his own, and is also on the 6BR site. It's an extremely accurate round that handles the 105/107 gr. Bergers and SMKs at 2800 FPS. The brass is formed by necking down the Grendle to 6mm. Mine can hold .25-.5 MOA out at 500 yards.
Really, the situation with Alexander is even worse. In the spring of 2011 they went to what is termed a Type II bolt, a .010 headspace clearence by recessing the bolt face itself. Les Bear and Model 1 remained with the Type I bolt face, the traditional .003 clearance.

The Lee Dies, bless theiir hearts call their dies Alexander Arms Dies and with my Model one I had multiple problems with them not feeding properly, they would stick just before locking up the bolt with a light buffer/spring in sub sonic. I noted on the Grendel Forum some discussion of this with the admonition that it appeared to take Redding dies to fix the problem, so I switched and bang, problem solved. It appears to me that Redding sizes to the type I bolt while Lee sizes to the Type II bolt.

Now Alexander claims credit for the round, but he and "Pesquali" never had a round that worked, if what I read is true. It was Arne Brennin that told Woody at Lothar walther about his 6.5 that worked and Woody put Arne in touch with Alexander. Alexander promptly took Arne's design/data and made the 6.5 Grendel that then worked. Sounds a lot like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs in my opinion.

If you read the data on Beyond 5.56.com and the 6.5 Grendel forum you will get pretty much the whole picture.

By the by on the 6mm Grendel, it is OK, but one thing the 6mm will not do is throw a 160gr bullet and the 6.5 Grendel in whatever configuration, will do so. The 6.5 gives you a lot of options Like 3,000 with a 107, 2,700 with a 120 and 1054 with a 160 and a can.
I'm also a 6.8 SPC fan - I have taken black bear at almost 500 yards and Mule deer at 550. I shoot the 110 gr barnes TTSX.
I'm no expert but I did stay in a Holiday Inn once. If you want to hunt with an AR patter rifle and deer killing power at the 600 yard line is what you require, you should look at the large frame AR pattern rifles. (SR25, AR10, LR308)
Update; I went to Dtech and ordered a .25 WSSM upper and built a Black Rain billet lower myself. It took 16 months to get the upper (thank you gun grabbing democrats) but it was well worth the wait. Mike is an artist. Took it out Saturday for some barrel break in and function / reliability tests. Functioned flawlessly, I wouldn't change a thing. I don't really do accuracy work 'til I've got about 40 rounds through one, but it's there, trust me. I'll do some more updates as I get more info and numbers. Here is one number I can give you. The price if you are thinking of starting a project like this. The entire rifle glass and all around $2100.00. I could have spent less on some parts and could have spent more in others, and all of the lower was bought before all the craziness in the last year. All in all, not a bad price for what will most likely be my go to rifle for the rest of my life (unless they start making lasers). Standby, for more to come.


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Took my rifle out over the weekend. Shot some perfect one hole three shot groups at 100 yards. I'm getting right at 2900 fps with the 120 grain Winchesters. That's 808 ft-lbs and still 1742 fps at 500 yards. I'm sure I can get more out of that cartridge when I start reloading for it, but that's pretty **** good for factory rounds. I could absolutely not be happier. My thanks to Mike Milli at Dedicated Technology, and everyone who contributed advice to this project. I think I've got my idea of the perfect deer rifle. We shall see in a little over a month. Thanks again everybody.
I have had a 16" grendel and a24" bull barrel grendel and both shot real well. I am a big fan of the. Cartridge and settled on a 20" and I wouldn't hesitate for a second to pop a whitetail at 5-600yds and ammo is getting easier to come by.
16" chrome lined 308 not even the stainless match grade. Tested it out today to see what it would do with few different brands of box ammo. A friend will have a one out on Mon. with a 20" stainless match barrel. The 6.5 creed shot lights out also.

600 yard
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