Want an AR15, what's the best out of box?

Throwing my hat in Im going with Bushmaster I have 2 and my dad has 1, never had any problems with any of the guns some people say BMs are junk but I will put my Bushy against any brand any day. I handload for mine and get under .3" groups. Ive never seen the cost to use advantage of buying LMT, Noveske or the SUPPOSED higher end guns if your gonna use it to punch paper, kill deer, groundhogs, varmints etc. etc. save your money and get some other play toys. Buy a run of the mill AR and have fun. I payed under $900 for all my Bushys and know people that have done the same.
There is no price diffrence for the most part and why would you want to give your money to George soros? Thats just stupid he is the owner of freedom group and one of the biggest anti gun proponets out there. Give your money to a teir one company that gives back to the troops by donations to WWP and actualy does positive things for the shooting comunity.
I am not interested in spending more for an AR than I did my fully outfitted long range gun, so I want to keep the cost at or below $1000.
From doing more research I am leaning heavily towards the Colt 6920, but I still have not made up my mind yet.
I have heard good things about Bushmaster in the past, but from what I have been reading lately it looks like they are more on the lower to middle end of quality. Seems the same for DPMS as well, but again I don't know for sure.
This gun will more than likely be a two hundred yard and in gun. I have no desire to fit quality optics on a gun with a 16inch barrel, so I will just put a red dot on it as I have one that I think would work fine.
Colt LE 6920 at G and R Tactical
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-IVbdF_ZT4&feature=related"]M4 Torture Test Promo.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

Im not saying all this stuff to start a fight or to here my self talk these are facts. If your diligent in your reaserch you will find that the diffrence in quality is hugh all well worth the avarage extra 100$ to by quality.
There is no price diffrence for the most part and why would you want to give your money to George soros? Thats just stupid he is the owner of freedom group and one of the biggest anti gun proponets out there. Give your money to a teir one company that gives back to the troops by donations to WWP and actualy does positive things for the shooting comunity.

I agree with you to a point but thats like saying dont buy a GM product because OBAMA owns GENERIC MOTORS or dont buy hienz ketchup because John Kerrys wife is an athiest. I buy what I like and dont wory about who says not to because somebody runs the company. As long as Im not giving them money face to face I DONT CARE. I know you wont agree with me but

and not everybody is gonna like them.

Oh and by the way Soros doesnt own freedom group from everything I've read.
George Soros Doesn't Own The Freedom Group | The Truth About Guns

Freedom Group - No Soros Connection

Steve Feinberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you read along Feinburg is actually a NY native whos hobbies include Guess what HUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would look at SW M&P, Stag or Windham along with the others mentioned already. These may not be quite up to being able to be run over by trucks or survive explosions, but they may....just dont know who wants to try it:) But they are good and closer to your price point potentially.....less than LMT, Larue, Daniels...etc
I owned a colt and now own an RRA in predator pursuit. Got rid of the colt. It couldn't hang with the RRA in accuracy. Sorry those are the facts in my experience. I do have a jewell trigger and a few other goodies but really the colt could not even come close. colt was picky on ammo. Granted I shoot home rolled for my RRA but it will shoot most good and a few incredible. like 1/2 moa out to 600 when i do my part on the wind good.
Just called two different gun shops today and found out that they do not have the 6920 or 6940 in stock.
Buy it off the net and have it shipped to a gun shop. I gave you the link to Grant at G&R tactical give him a call if he dosent have the colt tell him your price range and ask him what he can do for you he is a great guy and easy to deal with. HE can build you a rifle out of all the parts you want I have had him do it two times.

G&R Tactical
I owned a colt and now own an RRA in predator pursuit. Got rid of the colt. It couldn't hang with the RRA in accuracy. Sorry those are the facts in my experience. I do have a jewell trigger and a few other goodies but really the colt could not even come close. colt was picky on ammo. Granted I shoot home rolled for my RRA but it will shoot most good and a few incredible. like 1/2 moa out to 600 when i do my part on the wind good.

Im not supprised by that, you have a better trigger and you hand loaded for it. What model was the Colt? The colt 6920 is essentaly the same rifle issued to the soliders with the exception of the longer barrel. THe military standard for iron sights at 100 yards is 5" with the M4 carbine. All of them will shoot one ragged hole at that range. The M4 is not a target rifle and it is designed for combat accuracy not shooting groups. That said if you have an ACOG on your rifle you will not have and issue putting rounds on an 800M torso.
Buy it off the net and have it shipped to a gun shop. I gave you the link to Grant at G&R tactical give him a call if he dosent have the colt tell him your price range and ask him what he can do for you he is a great guy and easy to deal with. HE can build you a rifle out of all the parts you want I have had him do it two times.

G&R Tactical

I may just give him a call. Doesn't look like he has anything in stock right now though. Everything I clicked on said out of stock.
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