Archery Mule Deer?

Hey guys I need some advice on hunting muleys with my bow this year. The area I'm hunting is very dry and a high desert but holds some big bucks. I'm a youth hunter so I need some advice on tactics and how to sneak up on bucks. Thanks for any advice.
That was 4 years ago- OP prob isn't a "youth" and the tag is expired :)
All the information mentioned in the posts above is very useful. As a mule deer archery hunter myself here in the south central Montana plains I have to follow those same rules. Sometimes mule deer will get curious (does more than bucks and young bucks more than mature bucks) and if they glimpse you and you freeze or can duck down they will sometimes come to see what you are but they approach super cautiously very obvious reasons. I have had opportunities to get my doe tag filled this way. I also think stalking does is just good practice.
Learn to spot from a distance. Good optics are a must. Let them bed.
Examine the terrain, and get good land marks. Hills, rocks, and brush look different when you see them from a new angle. Use it to your advantage.
Decide if it's worth trying. Sometimes you should pass on a good deer because he is in a spot where you'll spook him, then he'll be harder to find.
Check the wind.
Expect them to move after you leave sight of them.
Slow down
Recheck wind and slow down again.
Use your optics as you start to crest hill tops, did I mention slow down.
Some people remove their boots the last 100yds or so. Get a heavy pair of socks to stock in
Patients is the key to closing the gap. Check the wind.
After you get in bow range you might have to sit and wait for some time so don't forget to get a little comfortable when you stop.

Just a few tips, there are more, but sometimes experience is a good teacher.
All great advice.
What wyowinchester said. Except a tender foot like me needs 3 pair of socks for final approach. Also helps to have a spotter on the next ridge and a radio in the ear so if the buck moves they can let you know.
Glass, glass, glass then be patient when moving in and stalking.. if hunting the rut get close and wait the dominant bucks often chase does in circles.. If not rutting , be patient and try and bed them get in tight and wait
This is a 6 year old thread but it has some excellent information.Maybe the mods could make it a sticky thread , clean it up and close it for comment.Some of this information has taken me 40 plus years to learn. Thank you.
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