General Throat Question


Apr 10, 2024
Is extending the throat on a 300 wsm function similar to the prc chambers in that bullets are seated longer to take advantage of case capacity? If so, if a throat is reamed .100 longer than saami can it still physically shoot factory ammo?
Is extending the throat on a 300 wsm function similar to the prc chambers in that bullets are seated longer to take advantage of case capacity? If so, if a throat is reamed .100 longer than saami can it still physically shoot factory ammo?
Not really sure what you are really asking about having a longer throat than SAAMI and where you are getting that from. If you ream the throat longer in your chamber you will just have more Freebore. Now whether your Factory Ammo will like the longer Freebore for accuracy is questionable.
You will be able to shoot factory ammo, but as Len stated,your accuracy my be compromised. The only way you can be sure would be to try it,but once you increase your throat there's no going back.
Increasing throat length allows for longer bullets to be seated , or jammed into the lands… since most factory barrels have SAMMI spec, factory ammo is set to mag length-
Given time the throat will get longer on its own, .. Carbon ring will build/ form , then you'll have pressure problems, or false chamber length, causing you to trim brass shorter to get a round that " used to go in"