Varmint Hunter - good statements, on track - indicates support of 2nd A and gets into current attacks on 2nd A.
My view is that VH is correct in that legislation protecting gun rights cannot continue to be successful - at least under the current political leadership and public attitudes. This is all about molding & then reacting to the vast public attitude towards firearms. Many D.C. politicians know exactly what their objective is - mold public opinion, divert attention from current policy disasters, acquire votes & support, denigrate opposition, and increase control. Public ingnorance & fear assist these politicians.
VH, a benefactor NRA member, provided a simple alert to the current situation. VH statements do not oppose NRA policies. Any confusion of intent can be resolved by reading the statement again or asking for assistance.
Gun violence, in part, is increased by acclaim by a certain evil element of society. Perps, freqently attired in miltary regalia, if not killed on site, need quiet trials, follwed conviction then lethal injection (needle).
"VH, a benefactor NRA member, provided a simple alert to the current situation. VH statements do not oppose NRA policies. Any confusion of intent can be resolved by reading the statement again or asking for assistance."
Not sure I need assistance. The only ways to not block gun control laws is to vote for it, vote present, or not show up which is essentially voting for it. I don't think that is a "simple alert to the current situation."With that being said, I don't think our conservative elected officials can continue to block every single new proposed gun law in the face of the significant number of civilian deaths due to gun violence.