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"AR" Definition

Varmint Hunter - good statements, on track - indicates support of 2nd A and gets into current attacks on 2nd A.

My view is that VH is correct in that legislation protecting gun rights cannot continue to be successful - at least under the current political leadership and public attitudes. This is all about molding & then reacting to the vast public attitude towards firearms. Many D.C. politicians know exactly what their objective is - mold public opinion, divert attention from current policy disasters, acquire votes & support, denigrate opposition, and increase control. Public ingnorance & fear assist these politicians.

VH, a benefactor NRA member, provided a simple alert to the current situation. VH statements do not oppose NRA policies. Any confusion of intent can be resolved by reading the statement again or asking for assistance.

Gun violence, in part, is increased by acclaim by a certain evil element of society. Perps, freqently attired in miltary regalia, if not killed on site, need quiet trials, follwed conviction then lethal injection (needle).

"VH, a benefactor NRA member, provided a simple alert to the current situation. VH statements do not oppose NRA policies. Any confusion of intent can be resolved by reading the statement again or asking for assistance."

With that being said, I don't think our conservative elected officials can continue to block every single new proposed gun law in the face of the significant number of civilian deaths due to gun violence.
Not sure I need assistance. The only ways to not block gun control laws is to vote for it, vote present, or not show up which is essentially voting for it. I don't think that is a "simple alert to the current situation."
I purchased a new Radial 7.62x39 semi auto yesterday. Brought it home and my 19 year old shot it. I asked if he wanted one, he has a job and makes his own money. I went today and bought one I will gift to him eventually. We both like to kill hogs and do often. This is primarily what these rifles will be used for. There are numerous other semi automatic rifles in our home. Not one has ever been used to harm a human. He has trained with them since he could hold them. The main reason I did this other than they were on sale, is I'm not sure what's going to happen. Many of you are correct in assuming, something will change.

I work In public schools. I see daily the evidence of the lack of God in our country. Sin and evil is real.
10-12 year olds often under the influence and using tobacco, alcohol, THC, and many other drugs. I bet you would be surprised to know how much illegal VIAGRA is being dealt in MIDDLE AND JUNIOR HIGH schools. I personally believe vaping is an epidemic in America and all kind of illegals can be used in them. The internet, pornography, video games, TV, music, and the demise of structured families is destroying our country starting with our youth which are our future.

I support mine and your RIGHT to own our hard earned firearms. I want my son to be able to pass to his child one day. Division in our county isnt going away anytime soon.
Passing vote on "AR" Firearms and High Cap Mags in the Congress today. Still has to go to the Senate.

What is the definition of an "AR"?

I always thought it was "ArmaLite Rifle".

Will the sale price of High Cap Mags go up?

Will the sale price of an "AR" style firearm go up or down depending on the "Definition" of what the proposed law is?

Could a Ruger 10/22 be considered an "AR" since it is a Semi Automatic?
When dealing with politicians and the media one has no idea what to expect because they have no clue what they are talking about. Yes
AR does stand for Armalite Rifle, not the commonly misused and abused moniker, "Assault Rifle," used by the illiterate and unknowing supposed experts. Let us hope that more common sense prevails in the Senate. :mad:
Let me just start by saying that I am a Benefactor member of the NRA and have been for many years, decades actually.

With that being said, I don't think our conservative elected officials can continue to block every single new proposed gun law in the face of the significant number of civilian deaths due to gun violence. The recent mass shootings have gotten all the headlines lately, but street thugs are killing people at an unprecedented rate.

Citizens (voters) are charged up right now and want SOMETHING done. Any official who refuses to do ANYTHING to help alleviate the number of tragic gun deaths in the country probably won't hold office too long. Should the political numbers tilt any farther left, the shooting sports will be decimated by the liberals.

I don't know the answer to the gun violence problem in this country but it's in all of our interest to get a handle on this before things get any worse.
I feel where you are coming from. It appears insurmountable right now. It is not.

There is positive info seeping out.

First a Republican in New York thought gun control might be a solution. The party pulled his funding and he dropped out of the race.

The house was nearly a party line vote. Of course the Dems won, but in the Senate they lose the same way. Never has a pro-gun candidate or congressman been shunned. There is nothing that can said that won't hit back twice as hard. Everytime Biden speaks they lose a swing vote. How bad will they be punished in the mid term just for pushing this?

Look at the bill:
The bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7910/text?r=3&s=1

Look at how your reps voted:
The vote….separated by title: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7910/all-actions?r=3&s=1&overview=closed&q={"roll-call-vote":"all"}

Take time to formally out them on Facebook. Make sure you mention Congress has solved this problem….they are surround by guns to prevent these kinds of mass shootings around themselves. Why are we less valuable? Why are our children forced to attend school in such a dangerous setting when Congressmen and their children have armed security?

Talk to people around you. I must be in some kind of utopia. Nobody supports this crap. There are always fence sitters. Engage them. Why are they afraid of guns? Are they afraid of being shot at the police station? Are they afraid of security at a concert. Why should only wealthy and powerful folks be afforded that security? Maybe if it just wasn't a gun free zone??

Then you might look at post 30. What are we doing with these unparented children? Why do we just look past them? Especially the violent ones. You might hope a first graders grows out of it….but 16-19 yr olds are pretty set in theIt way.

Unlike many folks, I'd much rather fund and define the CPS role and maybe the school resource officer role to help take action here in identifying these parents whom are not doing their part and refuse to do it. From my position in life, knowing some teachers, I find that the schools do identify these at risk youth, but don't get the help they need from pare to correct behaviors and move on. Caught at the right point a simple corrective conversation, from a parent, can do a lot of good.
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When dealing with politicians and the media one has no idea what to expect because they have no clue what they are talking about. Yes
AR does stand for Armalite Rifle, not the commonly misused and abused moniker, "Assault Rifle," used by the illiterate and unknowing supposed experts. Let us hope that more common sense prevails in the Senate. :mad:
You are SO RIGHT! Few "politicks" or fake news reporters have a clue what the terms semiauto, shotgun AK or 9mm mean? They are words that they've heard & they just run with it. If their ignorance wasn't so sad it would almost be funny sometimes.
You are SO RIGHT! Few "politicks" or fake news reporters have a clue what the terms semiauto, shotgun AK or 9mm mean? They are words that they've heard & they just run with it. If their ignorance wasn't so sad it would almost be funny sometimes.
I would strongly disagre. These terms are a quick web search away. These are people who must background and research everything they write.

I think after the deep search and learn what the truth is, they explain to their anti-gun editor or the assistants explain to the politician, that it is more on point to speak the babble mouth that they speak. I believe it to be purposely used to communicate that they know the right amount about guns and when we speak clearly and with purpose that we are crazy.

One additional key point that is missing from all of this is I see no problem solving being used. There is no root cause analysis. All I see is predetermined talking points from both sides that are unrelated to the incidents at hand.

What are the common traits: kids with little to no parenting, police/fbi failing to act, lack of intervention after identification of issues by the schools, ….this is without doing a deep dive into all available info. You know how they hide they persons name not to glamorize the act? It also causes you not to be able to follow up and confirm available information. It also causes you basically to open up to their unchecked story and be ready to take the countermeasures force fed without facts.
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A so-called "assault rifle" (term made up by the democrats) is whatever the democrats say it is. They no nothing about guns. If the next mass murder is committed with an over & under shotgun they will call that an assault weapon and, therefore, it will be banned.

To those people who say, "I don't care about ARs, I only shoot single shot rifle and shotguns", stand-by, they will come after your guns next.

Remember, gun control isn't about guns, it's about control.
You are SO RIGHT! Few "politicks" or fake news reporters have a clue what the terms semiauto, shotgun AK or 9mm mean? They are words that they've heard & they just run with it. If their ignorance wasn't so sad it would almost be funny sometimes.
The worse thing is that these idiots that are talking about things they have no idea about, are believed by an unsuspecting public.
More than 10,000 die annually due to alcohol related vehicle deaths according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
We never see the left or the media holding Coors or Jack Daniels responsible.
CPS is not the answer, they are over worked and understaffed. The theory is good, but the reality is parents continually abandon, abuse physically and mentally, malnourish and pimp out their children and very little gets done from my experiences. But, let a coach or teacher pat a student on the back and a complaint get filed. They will show up to the school with numerous officers with cuffs and the local news outlets to make a scene.
Our systems are flawed greatly.
I agree, parents need to stand up and be parents! Kids need to be shown and taught love, discipline, respect for those whom they have a difference of opinion and appreciation for the second amendment.
I would strongly disagre. These terms are a quick web search away. These are people who must background and research everything they write.

I think after the deep search and learn what the truth is, they explain to their anti-gun editor or the assistants explain to the politician, that it is more on point to speak the babble mouth that they speak. I believe it to be purposely used to communicate that they know the right amount about guns and when we speak clearly and with purpose that we are crazy.

One additional key point that is missing from all of this is I see no problem solving being used. There is no root cause analysis. All I see is predetermined talking points from both sides that are unrelated to the incidents at hand.

What are the common traits: kids with little to no parenting, police/fbi failing to act, lack of intervention after identification of issues by the schools, ….this is without doing a deep dive into all available info. You know how they hide they persons name not to glamorize the act? It also causes you not to be able to follow up and confirm available information. It also causes you basically to open up to their unchecked story and be ready to take the countermeasures force fed without facts.
I do feel that there are educated people that have knowledge of what they are pushing. Others parrot what they hear. Either way it's bad for law abiding people that enjoy shooting sports.
More than 10,000 die annually due to alcohol related vehicle deaths according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
We never see the left or the media holding Coors or Jack Daniels responsible.
CPS is not the answer, they are over worked and understaffed. The theory is good, but the reality is parents continually abandon, abuse physically and mentally, malnourish and pimp out their children and very little gets done from my experiences. But, let a coach or teacher pat a student on the back and a complaint get filed. They will show up to the school with numerous officers with cuffs and the local news outlets to make a scene.
Our systems are flawed greatly.
I agree, parents need to stand up and be parents! Kids need to be shown and taught love, discipline, respect for those whom they have a difference of opinion and appreciation for the second amendment.

Don't forget the additional 110,000 that died directly due to alcohol or liver failure due to long term alcoholism.