What's the definition of a "Group" ? (of shots)

I'm mainly interested in older factory wood stocked hunting rifles.
Ideally, that rifle was previously fired a little.
If so, I count my cold bore shot in my 3 shot group.
Shoot, then 20 seconds - 1 minute shoot again. 2 - 3 minutes fire a third shot.
Trying to simulate a hunting scenario, I'm in no rush, and I'm here to enjoy myself.
Anything under an inch (factory ammo) is good.
Walk out check target, B.S., repeat or switch rifles.
My most problematic ??? rifle is a Ruger M-77 "Round Top Tang Safety".
Typically shoots 1 1/8-1 1/4 inch sometimes better.
Enjoy !
Right, but just for purposes of statistics and measuring group size, wouldn't you want all parameters to be as close as possible,
including barrel temp ?

How useful would it be to take one cold bore shot every day for ten days in a row ? (Of course you can't control the weather !)

Edit: Maybe I should have made the thread title : "How useful is Group info ?"

Edit again : That would give you a different and possibly useful group statistic, 10 1-day shots that is.

IMO, it depends on the purpose you have in mind. For example, F-class? Or, hunting (presumably for a follow-up shot ... else, only cold bore matters)? Or some other reason?

My purpose is almost exlusively hunting and so I'm mostly figuring out the repeatability of cold-bore shots but I also find it useful to know if POI changes on a potential 2nd or even 3rd shot. So I tend to shoot 3-shot groups with a short pause in between (mostly to reset the shooter, not the rifle) and then put them away while I practice with a different rifle.
3 shots in 90 seconds ?
3 shots in 3 minutes ?
3 shots in 30 minutes ?

5 shots in 50 seconds?
5 shots in 75 minutes ?
5 shots in 5 hours ?

How quick do the follow-up shots have to be after the first cold bore shot ? To be considered in that same group.
The barrel is going to be warming up, so all the shots were not shot under identical conditions.
I hunt with my rifles so no timed fire sessions for me. I zero at 100yds. I want the first shot to be less than 1moa and the quick follow up to be right there with the first. After that, if I missed, the target is long gone, no further rounds needed. I did do a test with my rifle. It has a thin #2 contour barrel, factory Weatherby Vanguard 6.5CM. After the 4th shot I started to see vertical UP movement with a max of 1" after 7 straight shots. I did not allow any cool down between shots.