Couple questions.Let me just start by saying that I am a Benefactor member of the NRA and have been for many years, decades actually.
With that being said, I don't think our conservative elected officials can continue to block every single new proposed gun law in the face of the significant number of civilian deaths due to gun violence. The recent mass shootings have gotten all the headlines lately, but street thugs are killing people at an unprecedented rate.
Citizens (voters) are charged up right now and want SOMETHING done. Any official who refuses to do ANYTHING to help alleviate the number of tragic gun deaths in the country probably won't hold office too long. Should the political numbers tilt any farther left, the shooting sports will be decimated by the liberals.
I don't know the answer to the gun violence problem in this country but it's in all of our interest to get a handle on this before things get any worse.
In your second statement you said you don't think our conservative elected officials can continue to block every new proposed gun law. Which gun law that has ever been proposed or implemented has ever stopped a person from killing another if that is what they were hell bent on killing that person with or without a gun? Typically isn't what stops one of these killings someone with a gun? Any proposed gun law does not take a weapon out of the hands of a criminal but it could hinder the law abiding citizen from getting a weapon and using it to stop the criminal. Do you believe that someone who is going to commit murder will not because they don't want to break a gun law or steal a gun, or use their vehicle, or a bomb, or a knife, etc.?
In your third statement you highlighted SOMETHING and ANYTHING. Do you believe gun laws should be passed just so people say we did something even if that something did nothing? You also speculate that won't do anything will be voted out of office. What is your definition of anything?
In your last statement you don't know the answer. Do you believe anyone in Washington does know the answer? If nobody has the answer should they just do SOMETHING or ANYTHING to make people feel good?
In your first statement you felt you needed to pre-qualify yourself as a benefactor member of the NRA which is exists to protect us from unconstitutional gun laws. You then made a bunch of general statements to make any gun law that makes people feel better. Maybe the NRA doesn't align with your views?