Anyone use .308 200g Accubonds on Deer?

I found the LRAB tend to leave a huge hole when shots are close. Tend to loose some meat with blood shot but they work. This is my experience yours may differ.
LRAB areslightly "softer" than ABs. LRAB is specified to have a lower minimum impact velocity (1300 fps) vs. AB (1800 fps). Whether there is a practical difference in the field who knows but there is a design spec difference.
Its definitely a better design but they are finicky. But they fly like Berger match bullets if you get them dialed in.
Legacy Accubonds bullets are exactly what Nosler designed them to be 21+ yrs ago. I believe it was 2003 but im 60 and my memory is trash after 28.5 yrs in military. They are game bullets period without limitation they ALWAYS get the job done. With that said there are better cheaper bullets for point blank range but I have never seen a AB fail to do the job if you do your part. If you miss and hit bone its still going through. Its a great bullet, not stellar B.C but not the worst either. You dont always need the latest and greatest. Partitions have been around forever and you cant compare any bullet kill count with them hardly unless its corelokt. Hurt to say last part but they work.