I wouldn't overlook a Form 1 can. You can buy tubes and end caps, aluminum, steel, and titanium. With a freeze plug centering tool, drill press and a arbor press you can make a functional can, not the best in the world but at 250 in material and 4 month wait time it is a less expensive way to try it out and get shooting sooner. Especially if you are not putting tons of rounds downrange fast, they can last awhile.
Even if you don't have tools you can ask a machine shop to help you make the baffles, you just have to be present while they are doing it.
Check out silencertalk.com tons of ideas and experience there.
A couple things to keep in mind. After shooting, if you leave it installed, store your gun muzzle down or horizontal. Condensation will build up in the suppressor and run down the barrel. Second, if you are running an AR do yourself a huge favor and get an adjustable gas block. Your brass will be much cleaner and recoil and gas blowback is reduced a lot.