a good Long Range non barrel burn caliber

Google 6MM Competition Match and have a good read. I own 2 of these and a 3rd barrel in the closet waiting to be screwed on. 1 is a tac rifle and the other LR Benchrest.
Taking my 6.5 out today with the 160s at .680 bc and will see how they do at LR. Last test was 1280. Did very well. I am going to see if I can get close to 2800 fps. With the 24" might be tough. At 52.5 grains I am 2700

Whats the rifle/cartridge setup? Those 160s are impressive.
I have been an avid 6.5x284 shooter for several years and it will likely remain my favorite and go to rifle for my 1000 yard medium game hunting and serious target work. Depending on shooting style, the barrel life will run 800-1500 rounds. I think the round's reputation for barrel life is overstated. If you don't run it hot, for hunting use, it will be similar to several other rounds that deliver comparable performace. My other rifle is a 300WM. Loaded with 210/215 high BC bullets at 2900-3000FPS, 1000 yard ballistics are equal or better than the 6.5x284, and noticably better as you get further out, particularly in the wind. With the combination of big bullet/velocity and the lack of overbore compared to the 6.5x284 you can get barrel life improvement of 500-1000 rounds over the 6.5x284 given equal shooting conditions. There are superb high BC bullets availabe, particularly the 215 Berger. Rifle weight can be managed within a couple of pounds of my 6.5x284 and with a good brake, balance is excelkent, and the felt recoil difference is negligible, making it a good companion rifle for bigger game and longer range work.IMO

Thk Greyfox, I have a 300 WM, and I'm thinking of having it re-barreled to 300 WSM. reason being so I can load the 215-230's to mag length . use a braked 30 inch pipe and 2700-2800 fps would be nice for a .742 bc bullet.
Thk Greyfox, I have a 300 WM, and I'm thinking of having it re-barreled to 300 WSM. reason being so I can load the 215-230's to mag length . use a braked 30 inch pipe and 2700-2800 fps would be nice for a .742 bc bullet.

That will be a nice set up for long range shooting that will give you very good barrel life.
Whats the rifle/cartridge setup? Those 160s are impressive.


I had some test loads at 1 grain more powder and at 948 yards I needed to pull roughly 1.25 to 1.5 moa out to get back on target. If the case will handle the pressure, looks like it might, I estimate the speed to be 2800. My 2700 fps solutioin from 525, 948, and 1488 yards was dead on. I think it is right in there. I had 3 test loads and shot at a medium pumpkin. First round was high and pulled off some elevation and the next two rounds hit the pumpkin.

140 pills in my rifle fly 2940. If the 160 will fly 2800 they will out perform the 140. If not the 140 still has the zip to make up for the BC inside of 1000.
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