Need A Long Range 6.5 Caliber

Lol from my research, the difference between the 6.5-06 AI and the 6.5 Sherman, is the Sherman has the shoulder moved forward vs. the 6.5-06 AI. Here is a picture that Rich posted a while back of a .270 being transformed into a .338 Sherman. Doing the 6.5 is just less steps as it is sized down once and fireformed. But this should give you an idea. Correct me if I'm wrong Rich!!! Ha ha
Lol from my research, the difference between the 6.5-06 AI and the 6.5 Sherman, is the Sherman has the shoulder moved forward vs. the 6.5-06 AI. Here is a picture that Rich posted a while back of a .270 being transformed into a .338 Sherman. Doing the 6.5 is just less steps as it is sized down once and fireformed. But this should give you an idea. Correct me if I'm wrong Rich!!! Ha ha View attachment 85396

That's part of it. It also has less body taper than the A.I.
I bet the 6.5 version looks impressive in comparison to the 338 version...

Kind of 6.5-06 with a Weatherby neck and case wall...I like it!
Ok, now I want one. Rich- what is your barrel of choice for spinning into a 700 or clone? Was going to try a sporter or heavy sporter contour but only because I have a pretty walnut stock that I don't want to change. I may just let that sit in the office for a bit though, or sell it, if a heavy barrel is the ticket for the 6.5 Sherman.
My personal favorites are Bartlein and Krieger in an 8 twist. I prefer the 3b Bart, which is a #5 in a Krieger. I feel they are a good balance between good accuracy and not too heavy. I do have a #3 Brux and a #4 Krieger that shoot very well also. With the new heavy bullets coming from Sierra and Berger, some guys are looking at the 7 1/2 twist range.
My personal favorites are Bartlein and Krieger in an 8 twist. I prefer the 3b Bart, which is a #5 in a Krieger. I feel they are a good balance between good accuracy and not too heavy. I do have a #3 Brux and a #4 Krieger that shoot very well also. With the new heavy bullets coming from Sierra and Berger, some guys are looking at the 7 1/2 twist range.

Yup, when we talked just the other day I had just ordered a Krieger 4 groove #5 plus (bull sporter plus) in 7.5 twist to shoot the 150 plus bullets, and really take advantage of the extra speed the Sherman case offers. I wouldn't be suprised if more companies started offering a few more options in the heavy 6.5 cals, especially considering calibers like the 26 Nosler.
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