6.5x55...the mother of all 6.5...the main reason it's not in my list of possible chamberings is brass. I traded for some military brass and cant pop the primers out. The flash hole is too small for the decap pin...nearly broke my decap pin trying to punch out a primer. I finally got a couple out and found that to be the issue.
At one point, I had a few battle packs of the M/41 ammo, all of which are Berdan primed. I wound up selling them and keeping a couple of individual boxes for posterity, and for comparing my own handholds to. There's a guy on GB who sells a Berdan de-capping tool. I looked at it briefly when I was working with the 7.5x55mm. It's probably just as well to try and trade any spent M/41 brass that you have off to someone who is set up to reload it, and move on to a modern commercial offering in that cartridge. There's so much of it available, and no special tooling or custom dies are required to reload for it. In the hands of a competent marksman, I would put this cartridge up against any other 6.5 and expect it to run neck and neck in terms of actual performance under normal hunting conditions. Some people may take exception to that comment, stating that "on paper" a different 6.5 yields better performance. A competent marksman will get the job done with whatever tool is handed to them. Give the top five PRS guys a modern Swede for a season and see what they can accomplish vs. any of the other 6.5 cartridges. They would all be plenty happy.