7mm Sherman MAX complete

Korhil - how are the 195 EOL's on game? Only from what I've read, I've heard more negatives than positives. I've seen really good reports in regards to the 180 VLDs, but the opposite for 195's, so very curious on LRH members.
I have had no issue so far. But I have only shot a pig and an antelope with them so far. My son will be using it to shoot a coues deer this weekend but again, that is a small thin skinned animal, but I will say that it has opened up nicely even on the antelope.

Will have to most likely wait until next year to get on elk with it. I mostly archery hunt elk but my son has a good chance of getting a tag. I have no issue with using them at all. So far, 100% confidence in them.
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So far, 100% confidence in them.

Good to hear. Have a late season limited entry Elk Hunt in Wyoming in January and still undecided on 180 VLD or 195 EOL out of my 7 max. Leaning towards 180 VLD simply because I have more data points and confidence in it. Not that the 195 is inferior, it's just I have a lot less data points on it for Elk.
Shot the 168 Gr Longrange accubonds today with RL23. Did a ladder test with them and got all the way up to 66 Gr of RL23 for 3233 FPS. The pressure was too high for that load though but 65 Gr came out at 3170 FPS and no pressure there. I found a flat spot in velocity at 63.5-64 gr which averaged around 3120 FPS. I am liking the RL23 so far.
Remember what barrel length this was?
Well got my load down for the 155 Gr Edge TLR. Went with 61 Gr of RL17 seated .010" off the rifling. Going an average of 3240 FPS with an ES of 10. Below is the three shot group at 500 yards. Measured 1.882". I will be doing some more shooting to make sure this load is legitimate but I think we have a winner!

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That's looks like a better group than 1.882. Opposite edges gives you true center to center
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