7mm Sherman MAX complete

Are pellets of N565 smaller than N570 (which are huge)? I have a material amount of both h1000 and n570.....but never worked w/ n565 (available are several retailers now).

Also, I still thought that N570 (Max w/o needing a drop tube) still provided more velocity than H1000 or N565.....anyone care to share Max velocities of the 3 Powder's at Max case (w/o need for drop tube)?
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Are pellets of N565 smaller than N570 (which are huge)? I have a material amount of both h1000 and n570.....but never worked w/ n565 (available are several retailers now).

Also, I still thought that N570 (Max w/o needing a drop tube) still provided more velocity than H1000 or N565.....anyone care to share Max velocities of the 3 Powder's at Max case (w/o need for drop tube)?
565 is def smaller than 570 but gr per kernel is much lower. 1 grain of N570 is 0.08gr, 565 is 0.005. My rifle will be complete in a few weeks. So I'll gives reports as soon I have data.
That is a great build. I think the T3 make a great production based receiver for a build. Its about as light as you can get and seems to hold tight tolerances for production. Great choice on barrel and stock for a hunting rig.

I think the max is a great balance point for the 7mm using med to heavy bullets.
I would caution though that your barrel may pressure up faster. These Rock barrels seem to build pressure slower than most Ive shot.
i. e. you may get the same velocity/pressure with as much as 2 grains less charge?

I think Rock uses a bit of gain twist starter slower. At least he use to. Not sure on this last part but I think his land to groove widths are less so less initial engraving force. I could be wrong on that though.

Is yours a 5r or standard ? Hows the accuracy been compared to your bartleins?
Shot the 168 Gr Longrange accubonds today with RL23. Did a ladder test with them and got all the way up to 66 Gr of RL23 for 3233 FPS. The pressure was too high for that load though but 65 Gr came out at 3170 FPS and no pressure there. I found a flat spot in velocity at 63.5-64 gr which averaged around 3120 FPS. I am liking the RL23 so far.
The freebore on the reamers needs to lengthend for
195's if you plan on staying above the neck shoulder junction. I would add another .060.
I measure with the Hornady OAL gauge so all my measurements are off the ogive. The Max OAL for my rifle is 2.416". That kisses the rifling. I'm seating them .040" off at 2.376".
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