7mm Sherman MAX complete

Went out and shot the seating depth test for the 155 Gr edge TLR. Did .005" increments starting from .010" off to .035" off. This bullet doesn't like to have any jump. .010" did really well and the rest wasn't all that impressive. The ES on .010" was 20 fps which is nothing to brag about but I bet I can get that to go lower.

All loads were with 60gr of RL17. I have room to go higher with this powder as well.

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Well got my load down for the 155 Gr Edge TLR. Went with 61 Gr of RL17 seated .010" off the rifling. Going an average of 3240 FPS with an ES of 10. Below is the three shot group at 500 yards. Measured 1.882". I will be doing some more shooting to make sure this load is legitimate but I think we have a winner!

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Thats Looking pretty impressive! Cant wait to see how they perform on game.
You will like it. It's pretty fun. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you are gonna go with the 195 Gr Berger, I can tell you that your Smith will have to make some clearance room on your ejection port or you won't be able to eject a loaded round out if you seat it out far.
You will like it. It's pretty fun. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you are gonna go with the 195 Gr Berger, I can tell you that your Smith will have to make some clearance room on your ejection port or you won't be able to eject a loaded round out if you seat it out far.
Thanks for the heads up. I plan on running a long action bolt stop with a 3.4" mag length that are custom made for wsm/saum cases seated long, so hopefully I can avoid that isuue.
Starting my build next week with HCA with the 7 Max - two questions:
1) if going to use longer pills (180 - 195 gr), did you need to lengthen the freebore?
2) is N570 still the powder of choice, or does N565 (or other) get the nod for most optimal powder for the big pills?
Appreciate the quick response! Luckily I have 5 lbs of N570 already, and I've seen N565 a lot lately (for sale).
Starting my build next week with HCA with the 7 Max - two questions:
1) if going to use longer pills (180 - 195 gr), did you need to lengthen the freebore?
2) is N570 still the powder of choice, or does N565 (or other) get the nod for most optimal powder for the big pills?
1) freebore is already set for 195/190/184 Bergers, which also works well with 180eldm.
2) I'd suggest Rl26 and Retumbo as both should give good case fill and give good velocity. To get enough N570 in the case you're gonna need a long drop tube plus some tamping, it'll be pretty compressed. If you can find N565/H1000 they'll both give good fps and temp stability.
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