375-416 Barrett

I personally love reading and seeing pictures of these monster rounds. I will be playing with them in the future and can't thank the individuals that put out the money and time to further these chamberings and wildcats. My hats of to you all.
Thanks for the clarification IAHNTER. The 577 looked like it may have been plausible for a parent case for the VM but wasn't sure.

Can you give up some info or reasoning as to your comment?


Had too many issues with the reamers not matching the print specs, then getting the run around when calling them on it. Some were replaced, and some were re-ground after a few unpleasant conversations.. Had a friend chamber a barrel before he put the mic to the reamer. He ended up eating the barrel, but learned a hard lesson.
About a year ago, there were a few good threads relating to the QC issues with the PTG reamers. May want to search SH, and I think on Accurate Shooter.

Because of my personal experiences with them, I just choose to spend my money elsewhere.
"I've been thinking of starting a thread on my 375 Warlord with photos and stuff but most on here are engrossed in the mini sub caliber "long range" cartridges and don't think there is any interest in the big boomers here anymore"

Kirby and Dave V developed their extreme magnums in 375 Cal and were alone in the effort… until about now. Its good to see others jumping in as more sources are better.

For me, I shoot a 375 Allen Magnum which is way more pleasing to shoot than any rifle I've owned. It has its specific purpose and isn't quite as versatile, only because of the 16 pound weight, but with a high bc 353 grain offering loping along at 3300 there isn't much around that will stick with it.

I can shoot 0.375 one shot groups all day long. It's major pleasing to shoot 3 to 5 one shot groups and keep the groups within less than 0.5 MOA which seems, by the way, to improve with distance. Oh, and those distances can get pretty darn long. The wind is my friend…now.:)

The only downside to the big boomers is the rate of decrease of powder in the canister is a takes a little getting used to. For load development I purchase 2 pounds of a given powder, instead of one. Once the load is determined simple fill the shelf with that powder and go harvest something.
There's another possibility (s) I think; Barnard Actions they're from "Down Under" and have quite a good reputation. If I recall there's like six different sizes, some singles, some are repeaters up to 50BMG. They, along with Kiwi Greg's great Terminator series of muzzle brakes, are imported into the US for retail sales.

"You cannot invade the United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Japanese Imperial Navy
A 375 Snipe Tac 32" 9 twist - shooting very well
350 SMks at 3200 fps
414s at 2800 fps


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I've talked to the guy up in Alaska about his round but he was pretty tight lipped.

People are estimating that the 338 Snipetac will get about 500-600 rounds through the barrel before the throat is burned out. That's assuming you're shooting a match with strings of 10 shots rather than say 1 cold bore shot and calling it a day in the case of hunting.

The 375-416 Barrett Improved will probably get about the same. Brass is just going to be a nightmare to form.

For my own personal preference I would say the heck with it and get a 375-50BMG improved. Pac-Nor offers a 1:8 twist polygonal barrel in that chambering and CH4D has the dies. It would be a lot easier to neck down the brass for that instead of having to buy Barrett brass which is notoriously not the best, or try to form 416 brass from 50 bmg... then take another step and form 375 brass from that. I'll take the boost in velocity and the hit on barrel life if it means not dealing with that nightmare.

Klaus H. used to chamber the round in his State Arms Mach V.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL1vqAZM_Qg Here's him shooting it here.

People with first hand experience with the cartridge were getting 4k fps. I think with modern lathe turned solids like the Warners and modern powders it could probably be pushed even faster.
I've talked to the guy up in Alaska about his round but he was pretty tight lipped.

People are estimating that the 338 Snipetac will get about 500-600 rounds through the barrel before the throat is burned out. That's assuming you're shooting a match with strings of 10 shots rather than say 1 cold bore shot and calling it a day in the case of hunting.

The 375-416 Barrett Improved will probably get about the same. Brass is just going to be a nightmare to form.

For my own personal preference I would say the heck with it and get a 375-50BMG improved. Pac-Nor offers a 1:8 twist polygonal barrel in that chambering and CH4D has the dies. It would be a lot easier to neck down the brass for that instead of having to buy Barrett brass which is notoriously not the best, or try to form 416 brass from 50 bmg... then take another step and form 375 brass from that. I'll take the boost in velocity and the hit on barrel life if it means not dealing with that nightmare.

Klaus H. used to chamber the round in his State Arms Mach V.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL1vqAZM_Qg Here's him shooting it here.

People with first hand experience with the cartridge were getting 4k fps. I think with modern lathe turned solids like the Warners and modern powders it could probably be pushed even faster.

We designed a 395g bullet just for you guys to run to the moon. It is part of our Hammer Hunter line so it is hollow pointed. It is designed for 10" twist and you can push it as hard as you want as it won't ring out with high velocity. If there is enough interest from you guys that want high bc .375's we will certainly work on it for you. Just let us know what you want.

Those hammers are a thing of beauty. What is the minimum expansion velocity of the .338 Cal-260g Hammer Hunter? It looks like a prime candidate for the 338LM and H1000.

Why don't you PM me? I've got some questions and I don't want to derail the thread.
We designed a 395g bullet just for you guys to run to the moon. It is part of our Hammer Hunter line so it is hollow pointed. It is designed for 10" twist and you can push it as hard as you want as it won't ring out with high velocity. If there is enough interest from you guys that want high bc .375's we will certainly work on it for you. Just let us know what you want.


I looked at your site and the 338 and 375 models are all HP. Do you produce any pointed, no cavity?
I looked at your site and the 338 and 375 models are all HP. Do you produce any pointed, no cavity?

At this time we have spent most of our energy in hunting bullets. We have plans for a target line and would be interested in working with you if there is something in particular that you would like designed. Send me a pm and we can discuss your particulars.

At this time we have spent most of our energy in hunting bullets. We have plans for a target line and would be interested in working with you if there is something in particular that you would like designed. Send me a pm and we can discuss your particulars.



My inquiry was only to stay current. I added your site and .338 and .375 products to my Ammo & Ammo Components page (and Projectiles matrix) earlier this PM.

Thanks for the info.

My inquiry was only to stay current. I added your site and .338 and .375 products to my Ammo & Ammo Components page (and Projectiles matrix) earlier this PM.

Thanks for the info.

Thank you. Like I said we would be interested in helping you out with your target bullet needs. The target bullets are in our future, we just have not gotten there yet. Never hurts to have a little push from someone who has a need.

Let us know if we can help.

Warning! This thread is more than 9 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.