375-416 Barrett

I have talk with Robert quite a bit lately. He is building very nice rifles . Go on facebook at Vestal Gun smithing.

As I had mention in a earlier post. Rob will have Pro reamer in the future. It is the 585 Hubell necked down to various calibers. He has not finalized the reamer , and the chamber. The Hubell has a belt the Nyaatii does not.

Swamplord on this site or Pro on FB or MeWe for his wildcatting page.

Will follow more.
the 375 Warlord case capacity is similar to the 375 Viersco Mag 2, right around 192 gr h20 as predicted by Quick Design, the 585 Hubel Express case is pretty stout and the belt actually helps beef up the web area, Ed hubel designed the 585 HE as a straight wall cartridge that requires the belt for headspace but my wildcat designs will headspace normally on the datum line on the shoulder...... I've necked the 585 HE case down to 7mm just to see if it can be done, yep sure can but so far have 3 wildcats off it.... 416 Destroyer, 375 Warlord and the 338 Sniper

Ed just sent me another batch of brass and the rim diameter is the same as the 408 Chey Tac and it's offspring of wildcats so it can be built on the same actions ...... Robert Vestal @ Vestals Gunsmithing has my permission to build the 375 Warlord (goes by Sling here) and anybody wishing to build one can contact him for details, I will not be renting my personal reamer (long story, but it seems nobody cares to follow the 1 week, 1 chamber cut rental agreement) and the design is proprietary at the moment until things get underway and my rifle is built and I have proofed load data established......

I've been thinking of starting a thread on my 375 Warlord with photos and stuff but most on here are engrossed in the mini sub caliber "long range" cartridges and don't think there is any interest in the big boomers here anymore


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I did a project like that also a 416 rigby down to 7 mm, very fast, but cant handle the wind. I am very interested in the Warlord! Sounds like what I am looking for. And can use the same bolt and action as the Cheytac?
I did a project like that also a 416 rigby down to 7 mm, very fast, but cant handle the wind. I am very interested in the Warlord! Sounds like what I am looking for. And can use the same bolt and action as the Cheytac?

Yes, at least the recent batch of brass that Swamplord just received... As stated in his post.
By the way.... the 375/416 Barret Improved IS NOT a pipe dream or somebody's imagination, it exists and Last Frontier Custom Guns in Alaska builds them on custom actions and chassis, here is a live loaded round with the Lehigh bullet next to my 375 Mjolnir.........


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I think the 375 and 416 VM were based off the 577 T-Rex which sucks since A-square went out of business. Supposedly brass can be held else were but it's real hush hush.

That 375 mjlinor looks interesting what are its specs?
the 375 Mjolnir is off the 500 Jeffery case, have another 375 that is based on the 500 AHR case with a 338 Lapua Mag rim diameter but case capacity at 160 gr h20, same as 375 CheyTac,
I call it the 375 Executioner, don"t have it built yet


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i think the 375 and 416 vm were based off the 577 t-rex which sucks since a-square went out of business. Supposedly brass can be held else were but it's real hush hush.

That 375 mjlinor looks interesting what are its specs?

375 vm2


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