Actually the bolt face for .50 BMG-class cartridges is north of .804, the rim diameter of .50 BMG cases. See The .416 Barrett wiki shows .797 but, as best I know, all bolts built for .50 BMG-class use the larger dim. My Barrett brass measures .797 to .800 piece-to-piece and at different locations on the same piece of brass (brand new Barrett primed case, direct from Barrett). But this is really a very minor point in your discussion.
What you are not getting in those words is that the BAT EX is "huge" - the "smaller" of the two EX models is 2.0" OD and 12" (twelve inches) long. If you already have a stock for a CT-sized cartridge, the chance of it accepting an EX is low. If you don't have a stock yet, you might ask Daryle at BAT if you can change from CT to EX. Do not expect to hear what you want in his reply.
Also, the price to step up to a BAT EX, compared to a Stiller Tac408 (the most popular action for CT builds - including most of the "house-branded" clones of it), is more than double. Bruno's had an EX 2.0 in stock until recently, offering it at (as best I recall) $2560...with a note that BAT was looking at a two year backlog on that action...vs the Stiller at $1180 (
Would need a great deal more discussion to decide what might work for you.
BTW, a list of .50 BMG-capable actions is at
Products - Rifle Components - see the color code legend at the top of the actions section.
Good luck!