Little update on 210 HHT's, went out and got some baseline numbers and found pressure etc...
210 HHT pressure ladders:
78 - 2998
79 - 3029
80 - 3056
81 - 3080
82 - 3135 - possible faint bolt click
83 - Discontinued
75 - 3045
76 - 3083
77 - 3126
78 - 3157 - Hard bolt click, slightly heavier bolt lift
79 - Discontinued
H4350 Notes: 80 gr is a full case, 81 is nearly compressed but can still hear some kernels bouncing around. 82 & 83 gr are compressed & changed seating depth. Not completely sure I hit pressure on this one as I stopped before anything diffinitive. I am not a fan of compressed or high case fill when it starts messing with seating depth consistency. Will shoot 80/81 gr for groups.
N550 Notes: Hit pressure alot sooner than expected. It produces nearly the same speed as H4350 with 5 gr less powder charge. Definitely found pressure at 78 gr. 77 gr is on the fringe of pressure with the slight velocity spike. Will shoot 75/76/77 gr for groups.
Going to go load a few more and see how they group!