338-300 PRC... Sherman Improved!

That's awesome!! Congratulations on a nice bear. I have enjoyed following along with this thread and it's great to see it all unfold at the end.

Thank you sir! It's been fun to bring it all together, I'm glad you've enjoyed it and I hope the info will be valuable for others as well. I'll keep the dialog going!
I just wanted you to ask @Reemty J !! The skull just arrived this morning and I'm a happy camper 😁

The Hunt & Stalk:

Day 7 of a 10 day hunt we spotted a Boar & Sow a little over a mile away. They were bedded on a ridge top, not giving us a good view to judge him so we waited an hour or so. They were both bright blonde and he looked wide..

The Boar & Sow stood up and he started chasing her in circles. He did not take his eye off her for one second. This is the break we were looking for. He was an exceptional Boar in a vulnerable position. We observed the same behavior on two other pairs so far but were not "my bear". Both my guide & I agreed this was the one. We wanted something exceptional, either just a slob or unique color. He was a bit of both!

The Boar & Sow bedded back down in site on top of the ridge. We made our way over to them in just under an hour & a half. It was about 1.25 mile straight line, ridge-ridge. So we had to drop down into the bottom, cross a marsh & creek, then work our way back up to them.

We had two stalk lines to choose from. Either setup for a side hill/cross hill 400+ yd shot, or come in directly underneath them for a close shot. We knew it wouldn't be ideal either way but that's what the wind dealt us. Decided to get in close. We didn't know how close though at the time...

Closing into the crest of the ridge we dropped packs, chambered rounds, and got our earplugs out before popping up to relocate them. When we poked our heads up they had not moved... we were inside 20 yards of two sleeping Grizzlies!! 😅

We immediately backed out. Too close is too close. They were sleeping and right next to cover. Circling around to try and get a better view and trying to put some more distance between us, we poked over again and still too close. Maybe 30 yards from them. At that moment the Sow stood up to stretch and now we were committed...

The Sow either heard us or caught movement and walked straight to us, probably just curious but now we're in it. I was at a knee and ready to go and the Sow crested the hill, now staring directly at us! The Boar was getting up to keep dogging her, he had no idea we were there yet.

The Boar walked up and now knew something was up. He stood up on his rear and gave a low Roar or Groan. I put the Cross hairs in the center of the chest and pulled the trigger. He folded in half and rolled over out of view at the shot. He was 20-25 yards, it was the most heart pounding moment I've experienced in Alaska to date.

It was intense there real quick, I thought it was over but it wasn't. He rolled back over the crest of the hill and retreated out of our view. We could not see him and did not hear him either. Bear in the brush... worst nightmare... nearly. I felt very confident in the shot but we both decided we ought to back off and come back tomorrow. It was nearly midnight when we got back to camp. We took a wide route back to camp, but still.. walking through that brush with a round chambered was a white knuckle gripper all the way!

Next day we came in really slow, glassing thoroughly before going in. Didn't pick him up in the glass but decided to go back to the point of wounding to re-live it. We determined where he went in approximately and started searching. Within minutes we found him by smell. He already stunk pretty good, got a quick whiff of him while gridding down wind. He died within seconds of the shot, we made the right decision to be safe!

A long night wondering now put to ease. The pictures and packout began. We worked on him that day and the next. Perfect timing to finish out an already epic hunt!

The Trophy:

This Boar is super unique beings he is almost entirely bright blonde AND a big old bear. Really a dream come true. Fur is long, thick, and beautiful. Ivory claws. Skull is gnarly!

Cape: 98" (W) x 88.5 (L), 7.77' squared (call it 7' 9" abouts)

Skull: 24 & 5/16", Green scored today! (Steel calipers & tape all proper like)



Terminal Performance:

225 gr McGuire Ballistics Copper Rose

I did not do a full necropsy fyi, the wound stunk pretty bad after sitting in the warm sun for half a day... so my "terminal report" is minimal.

The entrance was just right of center, the exit was just next to spine. Exit was approximately 1" diameter with fragmenting damage surounding. The entire lung cavity was lung jello & hematoma. (Lung jello is very formal med verbage btw..).

Bullet did it's job, absolutely wrecked him and I personally believe it bailed us out a bit. The massive internal damage holds true to McGuire Ballistics CR performance. I would really have preferred a broadside to get both lungs but as you can see that's what presented.

Exit wound:



Entrance wound:


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