270 win Rebarrel

Consider this. My 6.5x06 24" Bbl, 1/8 twist. It drives the Nosler 140 AB ( BC .509 ) at 3075fps with no strain, using Rel 26. You can do the math on drop at various ranges.
LOL, but the OP wants to stay with .270 Win. My .270 AI 30" propels the 175 Matrix VLD at 2993 FPS with H4831SC. Others are claiming ~100 FPS with RL-26. At the time of my load development in 2012, people are using G1 = .650. (the original claim was .7828). Some think it should be close to Berger 170s G1 = .662. Perhaps members here have tested the BC lately. I corresponded with Matrix's new owner, but they have not tested the 175s BC yet. I have a couple of 1-lbs RL-26 to try on my next load development.

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Might as well go with stainless if you don't have time to wipe it down.Still not rust proof but better than CM.Go with a longer barrel instead of heavier so it hangs right.You can still use it for plinking as long as you let the barrel cool down.Twist depends on what you are shooting.Going faster does not affect using lighter bullets and gives you more options for bullet weight. All most all barrel makers make good stuff right now.JMHO,Huntz
My choice would be a Bartlein barrels #3. As far as chambering, I'd keep it 270 but go 280 or 6.5x55 if you are looking for som different.
There is always a 6.5x06. Plink with 100gr bullets for a reduced recoil, hunt with 130 to 140 gr. High BC, for longer shots. Just a thought...
Why couldn't he do the same with a .270, run 90 grain bullets to play at the range and run 150-165 high BC bullets for longer shots? I get not as many bullet options as the 6.5, but a ton more factory options than any 6.5-06 if the OP doesn't reload or want to.

Me I'd rebarrel the rifle with a 1:8 twist as suggested in a FWT contour. Then I'd purchase a plinking rifle in .223/5.56. As already mentioned a .270 isn't a plinking rifle.
270 and 7mm mag are my longtime (35+ years) favorites. Yes, there are some great barrel makers, and I can endorse your choice of a new Bartlein barrel. I put a 1:8.5" twist, 24", #3 SS Bartlein on my 270. Awesome! Plus, I can also endorse calling Bartlein and discussing options with their Reps = A+. For my 7mm mag, I went with a gain twist to 1:8.7", 26" SS Sendero barrel. The result is a sub 0.50MOA hunting rifle that zips whatever I shoot in it :)
I recently rebarreled a rifle with a #3 Bartlein contour.I really like it over the standard contour it had before.I had to sand the barrel channel a little to get it to fit and float,but it wasn't really all that much since the previous barrel was already floated.The #3 really makes the rifle feel solid with the extra weight.It's not too heavy,it just makes the rifle settle well when your making a shot.As for the chamber,I'd go with a 26" 30-06.You can really do some amazing things with the 30-06 with the powders we have today.I also like the wide variety of bullets and weights with the 30cal.
I love my Bartlien too, #3 contour is about right!
Featherweight M70.

My suggestion would be a #2 McGowen, stainless cut off at 23 inches, 10 twist, recessed crown. This would add a little more than 1 LB over the existing barrel and the barrel being cut off at 23" would have a slightly increased taper over a standard 24 inch, #2 contour and measure the same .6 at the muzzle. The barrel shank being 1.2 " would a good fit inside the existing stock and provide enough surface for epoxy bedding in the existing stock, the rest of the barrel would be free floating.

Light enough to tote around for shooting deers.

I have been using McGowen barrels for 15 years and never been disappointed with their product or service.

Seems like everybody has different ideas of how do do things.
you might also try some cast bullet loads for plinking with the faster burn as opposed to the longer burn from standard powder may not heat up as much. It's not a plinker for me either, but if I got the chance to shoot groundhogs at 600 plus yards I could see me loading some 100 gr varmint bullets. Which do fragment into a million fragments three wet phone books the old ones that were 4 inches thick goes in about the size of a quarter the last page in the pile just had an edge to it looked like it exploded inside of the target amazing stuff
I can hunt with anything but I will check it at the range and put it back in the truck. Then I get out something with a sendero or heavier to plink. I like to have a hunting rifle and a shooting rifle or 10-20 shooting rifles . I am sold on bartlein barrels and I have 3 different brands but the bart makes me smile when I shoot. The lilja barrel is close to the sendero Remington contour 338 rum and shoots good but the bart is king and this is just what I think and others have their own money and opinion and I respect them and their opinion. Merry Christmas and Happy New year and I love those long boxes under the tree
Just a new stock this year.i am so glad I got me something while I was out


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