What would you rebarrel a .270 into?

The 30 Sherman mag will run with the 300 Norma mag. Using 215 or 230 Bergers for elk will be lethal to farther than most can accurately shoot, and it does not need the Lapua sized action. Have your bolt face opened up to .532, replace the barrel and don't look back. Rummer has it that that a 7mm version may be under consideration also. If it comes out I will likely retire my 7 mm stw.
Question/options first, justification below.

.270 Win with a 1-8" twist
.270 Sherman
Both of these let me stick with the do-all Jack O'Connor caliber.

6.5 Sherman
More velocity, more bullet options, maybe lose some elk capability?

.280 Ackley
Can share ammo with my dad.


My Savage .270 Win has become a project gun. 25% because I want a bit better long range capability than the factory 22" sporter barrel, 75% because I like to tinker for the sake of tinkering. So know that a lot of my motivation is "because I can". Hell, setbacks in "upgrading" this gun have forced me to borrow my dad's .280 for my first elk hunt in two weeks.
Just do a 270 weatherby mag it will do what you need to do!!!
I have several rifles in .270 Win. I would make it a . Win 270, with a faster twist, in a 26 inch barrel, and use the Nolser 159 grn LR Ballistic tips or the Berger 175 Grn when needed.
I currently have a Savage .270 and find myself in exactly the same position. I picked it up from a pawn shop for an absolute song but made the mistake of shooting it first. The accuracy is so good I just can't justify tearing it apart yet.

I've gone back and forth on: 6.5-284, 6.5-06, 6.5 PRC/SAUM, fast twist 270 with 170 Berger, 280, 7mm SAUM (or Sherman Max), 7-300 WSM, and 7-300 PRC (I've got about 1000 of the 197 Sierras waiting on a project to use them on). I think I'm pretty down between the 6.5 SAUM, fast twist 270 (maybe as a 270 WSM) and 7 SAUM/Sherman Max.

I've got a Golden Eagle on it and it would really be for long range "benchrest" shooting (although I'd probably shoot it from a bipod and off the ground at my clubs 1000 yard matches) as opposed to hunting.

If this was as a hunting rifle, I'd probably keep it a 270, use 150-170 grain bullets and use it to kill anything with hooves in North America.

if you're looking for more of a target gun, I'm really liking the idea of the Sherman max case and heavy 7mm bullets, but with the slower powders in the 6.5 SAUM, barrel life is supposed to be very good.
280 AI is idiot proof...variety of bullets....make life simple.

175g Nosler long range accubond at 2950+ does it all...near and far!
For my money, which isn't worth all that much, if you're going to stay 270 but want more, there is always the AI option. And if that is still a little slow, consider the 270 Gibbs. I have the Gibbs in 6.5 and 240. If I were going to change calibers altogether, I'd go 6.5 x 284. Just my 2 cents...

I seriously considered the .270 Gibbs before too ... might still do it in the future.
Question/options first, justification below.

.270 Win with a 1-8" twist
.270 Sherman
Both of these let me stick with the do-all Jack O'Connor caliber.

6.5 Sherman
More velocity, more bullet options, maybe lose some elk capability?

.280 Ackley
Can share ammo with my dad.


My Savage .270 Win has become a project gun. 25% because I want a bit better long range capability than the factory 22" sporter barrel, 75% because I like to tinker for the sake of tinkering. So know that a lot of my motivation is "because I can". Hell, setbacks in "upgrading" this gun have forced me to borrow my dad's .280 for my first elk hunt in two weeks.
The 6.5 Sherman is a smoking round and with the 156 Berger and 160 Matrix you not loosing any elk capability. Pushing those out at 3150ft/sec is a do it all round. I really liked mine and it worked on Moose and elk.
I'm surprised at the small number of references to the .270 WSM. Your bolt face can be opened up for a few bucks, rebarrel with a 4 contour throated for the 170's, probably some tweaking to make it feed smoothly. I shot a standard 10 twist .270 WSM for several years and a handful of elk, with great results. Great cartridge IMO.
One of your comments said you ruled out the 7mm group.

I had a 270 and rebarreled it to a 6.5-06. Simple and a tack driver
Question/options first, justification below.

.270 Win with a 1-8" twist
.270 Sherman
Both of these let me stick with the do-all Jack O'Connor caliber.

6.5 Sherman
More velocity, more bullet options, maybe lose some elk capability?

.280 Ackley
Can share ammo with my dad.


My Savage .270 Win has become a project gun. 25% because I want a bit better long range capability than the factory 22" sporter barrel, 75% because I like to tinker for the sake of tinkering. So know that a lot of my motivation is "because I can". Hell, setbacks in "upgrading" this gun have forced me to borrow my dad's .280 for my first elk hunt in two weeks.
Another 270 Win 1-10" twist and don't look back
Another 270 win with 1-10@ twist and don't look back! Good luck and safe hunting!
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