What would you rebarrel a .270 into?

If you look at Rich Shermans facebook page page you will see a pic of a red cross made with a red sharpie. Dead center is a bullet hole that took out the dot that was smaller than a pencil. ONE SHOT 149 yards. i am not trying to brag- i am telling you the 6.5 sherman will mike you so happy that you will have to sit on your hands to keep from waving at people!
6.5-284 or 6.5 PRC are excellent all around cartridge that are overkill for elk. Personally I only hunt out to 500 yards, and at that range the 6.5 Creedmoor is more than enough for elk. As a couple hundred fps, and you've got an elk gun that will kill well at 1000 yards. (Keep in mind that the heavier 6.5 bullets have really high sectional density, which translates to great penetration for hunting thick skinned game like elk). I know a guy who dropped a 185 muley buck at 1180 yards with a 6.5-284 using a Berger hybrid.
I agree they are great cartridges, but FAR from overkill on an elk. No such thing. 6.5cm is not a good elk cartridge. Sorry, been around serious elk hunting my whole life and even though my old uncle loved his 25-06 and it served him well, 30 cal up work much better.
Agree with Adam32, going to a 1:8 twist in .270 gives you some great new bullet options. 140 gr Accubond, Barnes TTSX, Sierra Game Changer and you can go higher in bullet weight and with RL series of powders you can keep that velocity pretty warm even with heavier bullets. Maybe go with a carbon fiber 24" Bbl.
Question/options first, justification below.

.270 Win with a 1-8" twist
.270 Sherman
Both of these let me stick with the do-all Jack O'Connor caliber.

6.5 Sherman
More velocity, more bullet options, maybe lose some elk capability?

.280 Ackley
Can share ammo with my dad.


My Savage .270 Win has become a project gun. 25% because I want a bit better long range capability than the factory 22" sporter barrel, 75% because I like to tinker for the sake of tinkering. So know that a lot of my motivation is "because I can". Hell, setbacks in "upgrading" this gun have forced me to borrow my dad's .280 for my first elk hunt in two weeks.
LOOKY for barrels
Agree with Adam32, going to a 1:8 twist in .270 gives you some great new bullet options. 140 gr Accubond, Barnes TTSX, Sierra Game Changer and you can go higher in bullet weight and with RL series of powders you can keep that velocity pretty warm even with heavier bullets. Maybe go with a carbon fiber 24" Bbl.

Even staying with a 1/10 he could still shoot 98% of the bullets available...
Question/options first, justification below.

.270 Win with a 1-8" twist
.270 Sherman
Both of these let me stick with the do-all Jack O'Connor caliber.

6.5 Sherman
More velocity, more bullet options, maybe lose some elk capability?

.280 Ackley
Can share ammo with my dad.


My Savage .270 Win has become a project gun. 25% because I want a bit better long range capability than the factory 22" sporter barrel, 75% because I like to tinker for the sake of tinkering. So know that a lot of my motivation is "because I can". Hell, setbacks in "upgrading" this gun have forced me to borrow my dad's .280 for my first elk hunt in two weeks.
Call savage and buy another barrel, inquire what they want to install. If Savage won't install then call Douglas barrels or Shilen and get a quote for barrell + install. Should run reasonable $. OR have it set back. HTH. LP
Question/options first, justification below.

.270 Win with a 1-8" twist
.270 Sherman
Both of these let me stick with the do-all Jack O'Connor caliber.

6.5 Sherman
More velocity, more bullet options, maybe lose some elk capability?

.280 Ackley
Can share ammo with my dad.


My Savage .270 Win has become a project gun. 25% because I want a bit better long range capability than the factory 22" sporter barrel, 75% because I like to tinker for the sake of tinkering. So know that a lot of my motivation is "because I can". Hell, setbacks in "upgrading" this gun have forced me to borrow my dad's .280 for my first elk hunt in two weeks.
280 AI
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