2024 NM Pronghorn

Got it done two days ago in NM. Great fun, shot the pronghorn with a 7 PRC and a 180 gr Berger HT at 2940, 400 yards, dropped no issues. Rifle build by Lone Mountain Precision in Ennis, MT. Biggest goat to day for me, unofficially 88 3/4 inches, having it officially taped after drying period. Bullet worked great, big exit hole. Can't wait for 2025 pronghorn season again, probably my favorite critter to chase.
What a Brute!
Got it done two days ago in NM. Great fun, shot the pronghorn with a 7 PRC and a 180 gr Berger HT at 2940, 400 yards, dropped no issues. Rifle build by Lone Mountain Precision in Ennis, MT. Biggest goat to day for me, unofficially 88 3/4 inches, having it officially taped after drying period. Bullet worked great, big exit hole. Can't wait for 2025 pronghorn season again, probably my favorite critter to chase.
Congratulations! **** nice loper!