12 gauge salt loads for bears

Old Rooster

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2019
My brother in law and sister in law have a bear problem.The bear keeps coming around and brother in law wants me to load him some rock salt in 12 gauge loads.
While I have loaded shot gun loads for many years I have never loaded rock salt.
Anyone care to share their loads,wads and any advice on powder.
Old Rooster
My brother in law and sister in law have a bear problem.The bear keeps coming around and brother in law wants me to load him some rock salt in 12 gauge loads.
While I have loaded shot gun loads for many years I have never loaded rock salt.
Anyone care to share their loads,wads and any advice on powder.
Old Rooster
I've only loaded target loads for shotguns but I would think the only way to go wrong would be too much powder and then your rock salt would become granulated salt. 🤔
Rubber buckshot......Have them call their local DWFP or whatever and ask if they have any for free. Here, they give it to locals with bear issues. If not, it is available online.

Otherwise, a load of rock salt, ice melt, in a 1 1/4oz wad with a light load of Red Dot will do the trick. Tell them to be sure to clean the bore after usage, as you know what salt residue can do to steel.
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Another deterrent for problem bears getting into garbage and dog/livestock food is to put full strength ammonia into ziplock bags, seal the bag, wash them thoroughly, then give them a light wipe with bacon grease. These can then be placed in spots that have been previously visited by the bear. Keep out of reach of your dogs...
My brother in law and sister in law have a bear problem.The bear keeps coming around and brother in law wants me to load him some rock salt in 12 gauge loads.
While I have loaded shot gun loads for many years I have never loaded rock salt.
Anyone care to share their loads,wads and any advice on powder.
Old Rooster
Rock salt isn't hard, but.. rubber projectiles for Bears might be better. Just a thought Cheers
8 or 9 shot in the butt and make sure they a facing away you.
Works on all species of bears . I know from experience.
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