Idaho Investigating Technology Limitations for Rifles

Interesting thing here though is that by limitation on devices you have higher wounding rates. To think someone will always say let's get closer is just foolish. Yes some will do just that but many won't, They will try a shot. Yes I know, I know it still happens but your foolishness if you don't think it won't happen a lot more.
More wounding and much less recovery of an animal WILL result.
I can see what they want or thinking of trying to do but I feel/ know there will be a lot more dead critters never found.
Lot more suffering animals will result unfortunately, and hope they take that into consideration.

Been a while but usually predation on deer etc is very high from bears and coyotes during the fawn and calf season. Lions and wolves kill both but kill more mature animals generally. I know yotes can be 50% of that number. I think here the last study I remember was 33% of the fawn/calf kill was yotes.
I may be incorrect, but I'm struggling with your post conclusions! I'll have to do more research.

I do however question the validity of their findings……as the wolf is the "golden child" of the environmentalist movement, which coincidentally has a very strong foundation in our schools of higher learning/indoctrination! memtb
Yes without a doubt i would most definitely always recommend doing your own research. But my post conclusions also pointed out direct logic to support not only what the states have found but what makes sense without having to rely on any state provided information. Reduced down to its lowest terms, we don't need the states to tell us our logic is logical. But in this case the states findings are in line with the logic I eluded to in my post. 👍seems logical to me. 😁😁😁
Anyone remember John Lachuk? He talked about compromise.
And let me say I'm all for true bipartisan efforts. I believe there needs to be compromise. But when it comes to firearms, hunting and another topic that shall be nameless there is no compromise with the other side. Because their objective imo is NOT compromise. It's part of their "hundred year marathon".

I suggested we start with full auto .50 BMG and single-handed 12" shotguns holding five rounds and not compromise until we gun guys get all we want.
I want to disagree a bit with the wolf vs bear preditation. I don't see bear predation as a significant
In one drainage that isn't too big, I can cover it in a day, there were 7 bears out feeding before the elk calves dropped. In the same drainage there were 0 wolves. They hammer elk calves along the Mt Id border so next year I'm getting my 2 Idaho tags and the one MT and do what I can, filled my bear tag and will get my daughter out for a fall bear.
Predators of all kinds are a major issue, their density is absurd compared to 30 years ago when there was sheep all over and as such serious predator trappers were out, bears were kept down, few wolves, eagles were kept down and we had good Bighorn populations, mule deer around every corner, healthy elk and great hunting.

Predator worship is a serious issue, that's why so many in the hunting community are pushing bear and lion hunting as a premium hunt, and it is!
Predator worship is a serious issue, that's why so many in the hunting community are pushing bear and lion hunting as a premium hunt, and it is!

Just few. Wonder why you won't draw a sheep tag. Maybe the studies have been done, and we just need to act. Why aren't the monies being raised via auction tags being used to resolve the issue most affecting the species.

I recall BC once refused to send us more caribou, as "We don't have the numbers to ship you cat food". Their plan included dropping quotas especially on female cats. Wolves also. Seems to be working.
From the other side: The part where Oregon can support thousands of wolves will solve issues of technology returning wildlife to 1900 numbers.


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A whole other issue but contributing to the decline in population of game animals. Massive issue for the Idahoans for sure. I am about to the point of not hunting big game anymore, just wolves. In fact, that is my plan this year to a large degree. I love bow hunting in September but I am going to camera hunt this year and pack my rifle. I missed 5 wolves this past winter and I am sick about it. I have new barrel and I am dialing in my rifle now. Should be ready to hit the hills soon.
Wish we could hunt them. Seasons come and go and done by a federal judge that has nothing to do with our state. Good luck!

Herd continues to decline while we study it. One take away is only 4.7% of herd is taken by humans, 1.8% in accidents. Man we have so much technological advantage.

Whether its done in small bites of legislation, economics, or we just fade away. The end goal is eliminating hunting, and it doesn't matter which state you're in.

Herd continues to decline while we study it. One take away is only 4.7% of herd is taken by humans, 1.8% in accidents. Man we have so much technological advantage.

Whether its done in small bites of legislation, economics, or we just fade away. The end goal is eliminating hunting, and it doesn't matter which state you're in.
I don't feel in any way that the state in which I reside is trying to end hunting. There is vast opportunities that I feel are rather contrary to this idea. Refer to @Dirtrax post #81. Washington, oregon, California, well i think we all know its evident there.