What news source do you listen to, mine is Epoch times

If you're actually serious about wanting unbiased news the best US source would be the Associated Press. They're non-profit, have won 56 pulizers for journalism and provide the non-opinion national and international news articles to many local papers
If you're actually serious about wanting unbiased news the best US source would be the Associated Press. They're non-profit, have won 56 pulizers for journalism and provide the non-opinion national and international news articles to many local papers
You have got to be kidding me! Associated Press is one of the most liberal and biased news organizations in America.
Buffalo Gap Round Up News, serving conservative once silent Americans. It is not "non partisan" but suits my part of Texas.
If you're actually serious about wanting unbiased news the best US source would be the Associated Press. They're non-profit, have won 56 pulizers for journalism and provide the non-opinion national and international news articles to many local papers
You ARE kidding, right????