Are you on Facebook?

Are you on Facebook?

  • Yes

    Votes: 949 48.0%
  • No

    Votes: 373 18.9%
  • No, but I may join

    Votes: 20 1.0%
  • No way, are you kidding?

    Votes: 674 34.1%

  • Total voters
I'm on LRH too much to have time for Face book. Besides who need Face book when you have LRH? There is no one else that I want to have contact with that I cannot call on the phone and actually talk to.

Same with texting. Why send a telegram when you can actually hear the other parties voice. Just a backward step in technology, makes no sense to me.

Boy do I sound old.

I've thought about starting a facebook page, mainly to catch up with some buddies I haven't seen since high school and college. Haven't done it though. I don't know what all I'd put on there. "Yep, I cut trees down again today. Went deer hunting after work. Worked on my trailer brakes last weekend. OMG I forgot, I ground out some stumps too." Pretty exciting stuff.
I signed up on Facebook for about 30 minutes and then quit and removed myself from Facebook.

While I was trying to figure out Facebook my son was telling everybody in the world that I was on Facebook. I didn't know he was putting the word out and it blew me away that within minutes all of these people were wanting to be my friends. It scared the hell out of me, LOL. I quit and have not looked back.

I spend too much time on the 4 or 5 hunting forums that I visit anyway, so I don't need Facebook.
Yes I am there. I use it for personal, not professional interactions. Its good for what you make of it. It can dominate your life if you let it.

I'm on LRH too much to have time for Face book. Besides who need Face book when you have LRH? There is no one else that I want to have contact with that I cannot call on the phone and actually talk to.

Same with texting. Why send a telegram when you can actually hear the other parties voice. Just a backward step in technology, makes no sense to me.

Boy do I sound old.


I don't facebook, but there are lots of reasons for texting. It's a great way to send a quick message that doesn't need a response or only needs a few word response. The receiver can answer on their own time and you don't have to wait for them to pick up the phone or a call back if they aren't near their phone when you call. Yeah, you could leave a voicemail, but I'll bet I could send 15+ texts in the time it takes you to call someone and leave them a voicemail and for them to listen to that voicemail. I can send the same message to multiple people, no more calling 4 people to tell them what time the game or movie is at. The list goes on and on and on.
No way. I choose to be a private person when it comes to the internet and often in my normal life. I frequent gun, archery, hunting and other forums. There are more than enough people there waiting to jump on you, especially when I catch them promoting false information or outright lying to people.
For the most part the people on these types of forums are decent people and like to share information or help others. That's the level of my social networking.
No, and I think any one should think long and hard on how much information you want to reveal about yourself. Remember any personal information you reveal can come back and hurt you in the future.
I am on it. My wife came in my gun room one day and said "there, I got you signed up on Facebook". I asked her why she did that and she told me that I said, "I don't know how to sign up, do it for me".

I know I am forgetful since my heart attack but I am almost certain that I did not ask her to sign me up. Besides, she said that I told her not more than 30 minutes prior.
If you want viruses and a computer that does not operate join face book, once you sign up they make it next to impossible to get out of it. My computer guy has warned me about staying away from face book. He makes a lot of money taking viruses off from face book users.
Are you on Facebook?
I've heard too many horror stories about what can happen to people on facebook.
A few people have sent me invitations to join so I could look at their pictures or see some link that they have posted, but since I don't know who is crusing that site to mine information about people, I have decided to avoid it altogether.lightbulb

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