Who's tracking you?

My neighbor has a new Subaru that flashed a reminder on the center console to check the back of the car for groceries as she had just been to the store. So ya, it knows where you are.
Actually no, it didn't know she had been to the grocery store specifically, just that she had put somethingin the back seat or back of car---, my chevy got a computer software update and now does that any time you put something in the back seat-- the dealer told me it was a liability thing so you don't leave a kid or dog in the back, but it alerts you any time you put something in the seat no matter how large/small it is--- dealer said it's tied to the seat/airbag sensors-- probably have trunk sensors too (for liability since people will sue over anything these days)
Yes the GPS system tell us everything. Where it has been how fast, fuel, battery voltage, how long outriggers are down, booms out of cradle. You can geo fence and get an alert when they are near their house, girl friends or when they leave the office and video in the cab


BTW I drove the car with a dead battery for ~6 months. I mean totally dead, split open and drained all the electrolyte fluid. I used the Genius Boost GB70 (which is way overkill for a passenger car at 2,000 amps) to start it every time I drove it. I could start it 12 times and it would still be on a full charge which is hard to believe. I was very skeptical but talked to a couple mechanics who use them in the shop/field and they said it is the real deal and I'm now a believer. I even used it on my 4runner when the alternator went out and killed my battery in the middle of the desert. I strapped it to the top of my battery and connected it to the terminals and it powered the engine making it 42 miles to a NAPA where I got a new alternator. It's about the size of 2 VHS tapes stacked on top of each other and a great piece of gear to have in your kit at $170 or less for the GB40
BTW I drove the car with a dead battery for ~6 months. I mean totally dead, split open and drained all the electrolyte fluid. I used the Genius Boost GB70 (which is way overkill for a passenger car at 2,000 amps) to start it every time I drove it. I could start it 12 times and it would still be on a full charge which is hard to believe. I was very skeptical but talked to a couple mechanics who use them in the shop/field and they said it is the real deal and I'm now a believer. I even used it on my 4runner when the alternator went out and killed my battery in the middle of the desert. I strapped it to the top of my battery and connected it to the terminals and it powered the engine making it 42 miles to a NAPA where I got a new alternator. It's about the size of 2 VHS tapes stacked on top of each other and a great piece of gear to have in your kit at $170 or less for the GB40
That's a pretty neat piece

I thought it was interesting that Congress wants to ban TicTok when just the basic phone itself does the same thing.

Had an interesting yet scary incident with an iPhone at work this past winter.

Had it sitting on the table next to me during our morning job briefing.
After the briefing we started BSing when out of the blue my iPhone says "That's not very nice!"
No idea what triggered it, but the whole place heard it and went quiet. It was definately one of those "what the farce?" moments.
with my samsung it would auto dial 911 out of the blue.............after checking my last update, that was the problem and samsung solved the issue as they knew (after several reports) it would do that............kept apologizing to the 911 operators that i'm not doing this..........maybe apple went thru the same thing?
BTW I drove the car with a dead battery for ~6 months. I mean totally dead, split open and drained all the electrolyte fluid. I used the Genius Boost GB70 (which is way overkill for a passenger car at 2,000 amps) to start it every time I drove it. I could start it 12 times and it would still be on a full charge which is hard to believe. I was very skeptical but talked to a couple mechanics who use them in the shop/field and they said it is the real deal and I'm now a believer. I even used it on my 4runner when the alternator went out and killed my battery in the middle of the desert. I strapped it to the top of my battery and connected it to the terminals and it powered the engine making it 42 miles to a NAPA where I got a new alternator. It's about the size of 2 VHS tapes stacked on top of each other and a great piece of gear to have in your kit at $170 or less for the GB40
I have one in every vehicle and my boat. Don't leave home without it.
Actually no, it didn't know she had been to the grocery store specifically, just that she had put somethingin the back seat or back of car---, my chevy got a computer software update and now does that any time you put something in the back seat-- the dealer told me it was a liability thing so you don't leave a kid or dog in the back, but it alerts you any time you put something in the seat no matter how large/small it is--- dealer said it's tied to the seat/airbag sensors-- probably have trunk sensors too (for liability since people will sue over anything these days)
This all has me thinking... anyone have a '90s model Ford F-350 for sale?
BTW I drove the car with a dead battery for ~6 months. I mean totally dead, split open and drained all the electrolyte fluid. I used the Genius Boost GB70 (which is way overkill for a passenger car at 2,000 amps) to start it every time I drove it. I could start it 12 times and it would still be on a full charge which is hard to believe. I was very skeptical but talked to a couple mechanics who use them in the shop/field and they said it is the real deal and I'm now a believer. I even used it on my 4runner when the alternator went out and killed my battery in the middle of the desert. I strapped it to the top of my battery and connected it to the terminals and it powered the engine making it 42 miles to a NAPA where I got a new alternator. It's about the size of 2 VHS tapes stacked on top of each other and a great piece of gear to have in your kit at $170 or less for the GB40
I have been debating on which booster to get here lately. I get tired of pulling out the extension cord & charger. And the ones I see guys using at the shops are usually big & heavy. Not something I want to keep in my truck all the time. I see they have a Noco GBX 2500. I think I will get one of these since this thread has good reviews. Thanks for the heads up.