Hopefully it's a .219 as that seems to have a significant effect on the vel you can get before having blowups on jacketed bullets. Personally on a number of cartridges I have switched to mono turned bullets. Badlands when I want to stretch things out. Hammers for the rest. After all most hunting is not the shooting vol you get with target and comp shooting so cost dif is not the huge variable. No worries about jackets coming apart and these turned monos have great tolerances.
With fast overbore 22 cal like these it sure makes life easier. For your stated shooting of shorter range varmint/yotes with that 7 twyou can run the gambit. From those ultra light 32g shock hunters which would be running well over 4k even in a 20" to 70-80s like the badland 70 SBD that would let you stretch things way out. Would love to see video of a yote taken with one of those 32gr over 4k short range say 50 yds.
They make cool vapor trails in cool damp/humid morning air at those vel.
Personally I would have no issue taking WT or hogs with the heavier monos in a 22 cal with these powder capacities. 20" gun is handy and quick with little recoil.
Should be fun.
Good luck with the build!