I do not actually carry chambered in my pack but do slung or in hand. I put the two together in the sentence in my post above without see how it actual read. I have had my bolt lifted in the pack. I also never had any of my hunting rifles ever setup with a trigger in the ounces sub 16oz. For me those triggers are for my target for the range line. That is personally my threshold. But everyone has their own level of safety threshold. If I take another hunting with me rifles stay unchambered until we are about to shoot. I do a good amount of stalk hunting vs stand. 99% of my hunting is solo. It's what I do to be away from people and modern civ. Even the farm is too busy and loud after awhile.
Consider how many handguns are carried every day with no trigger block safety at all or just a blade or hinged trigger which neither has little chance of preventing an AD if something gets inside the trigger guard. Sig p320/360s have completely done away with trigger block safeties. Think how many people carry appendix these days. Their not in the woods, practically alone, but in highly congested areas in cities. Consider how many use to freak over 1911 and other hammer fired sa/da carried C1 (cocked-n-locked) yet that at best is equal to every non-ms handgun today from Glocks to S&W MPs, Sig P series etc..
I carry my handgun in C1 ifs my SOP street or bush.
You can always make a gun theoretically "safer" right up to not owning one. Everyone has their threshold. It seems whenever topics of carry condition come up, more so in handgun topics, it seems to all to often fall into one upmanship. People wanted to prove they are safer thus more responsible then the next person.
If someone goes past my threshold I simply will not be around them if they have a firearm just as I will not get in a vehicle with someone that I think is a reckless/unsafe driver. I am polite about it. Now training is a different story or elevated safety precautions when working in a group. Everyone has their threshold.