Which shooting chronograph do you use?

Which brand of shooting chronograph do you use?

  • Shooting Chrony

    Votes: 512 36.1%
  • Oehler

    Votes: 235 16.6%
  • CED M2

    Votes: 189 13.3%
  • Pact

    Votes: 128 9.0%
  • PVM-22

    Votes: 10 0.7%
  • Pro Chrony

    Votes: 343 24.2%

  • Total voters
Now I know why many members and hunters post that they don't trust their chronographs. The majority are using the Shooting Chrony.
my pact chrono was unreliable & customer support was poor. I bought a new oehler and so far so good.
After two more frustrating sessions, I've just dumped the PACT, and bought a CED M2. First test, tomorrow.

you should have contacted Pact about it. I have a PC-2 that I've been using for at least ywelve years without a hitch. The bright light comment is interesting as most all work off photocells or a light curtain, and I shoot over mine often in late afternoons.
my pact chrono was unreliable & customer support was poor. I bought a new oehler and so far so good.

I find this to be extremely hard to believe as I've been dealing with those folks since 1995, and they're probably as good if not better than any seller of shooting equipment I've ever owned period! You'll like the Ohler, but you'll have the same issues with it that you have with the Pact. I have used both a lot. The rest on the list, I've been around, but never shot over them as they were always broke (never saw the PV)
It was only after contacting Pact customer service on two separate occasions,without resolution to my problem, that I reluctantly purchased a new chronograph from Oehler. The pact was great when it worked,I just could'nt count on it. The Oehler has so far worked flawlessly under the same conditions in which the Pact failed to give velocities.
Just got a ced m2 not long ago
so far I really like it
have had no problems
I use the Bog pod tripod with
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I have had the beta master shooting chrony for 4 yrs and no problems have always wanted to try another side by side to compare. Maybe ill try the cedm2??
My first chrono was a Pro Chrony, but it died when I put accidentally a shot through it at the range. Then I bought a Shooting Chrony, very satisfied with it.
Funny (ha ha) story. I was trying to kill two birds with one stone (bullet) and was zeroing my rifle while taking chronograph readings of a updated load I stoked up. What I failed to do the night prior due to such excitement of getting my new Nightforce was to boresight the scope. First round through the tube there was lots of little plastic pieces from my CED M2 flying through the air. I guess it was shooting a bit low. OOPS. Good thing the sending units are replaceable.:D
Funny (ha ha) story. I was trying to kill two birds with one stone (bullet) and was zeroing my rifle while taking chronograph readings of a updated load I stoked up. What I failed to do the night prior due to such excitement of getting my new Nightforce was to boresight the scope. First round through the tube there was lots of little plastic pieces from my CED M2 flying through the air. I guess it was shooting a bit low. OOPS. Good thing the sending units are replaceable.:D

nobody ever said we're perfect! I think we'd be able to start an almost endless thread on things we'd wished we'd never done
I have a PC-2 that I've been using for at least twelve years without a hitch. The bright light comment is interesting as most all work off photocells or a light curtain, and I shoot over mine often in late afternoons.

I too have used a PACT PC-2 for a number of years now. It's proven to be pretty darn reliable under decent lighting conditions. It does poop out prior to the Oehlers I also shoot over, as natural lighting starts to fade late in the evenings. But in good lighting, it really has performed quite nicely. I don't think they make this PC-2 model anymore, and can't speak to the newer and current line of PACT chronographs.
My Cheap F1 gets the job done.

You hear alot about carefully measuring SD and stuff like that, But if the rifle shots well, I don't care. Sub 3" groups at 600yds (and similar performance) tells me all I need to know about that load.
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